Is there a way for me to block an entire instance?
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I mean yeah, some might use the feature to create an echo chamber for themselves and all the toxicity that can bring is a concern, the alternative is a user experience plagued with content you literally cannot read. I exclusively browse via an app, Google Translate isn't an option. I have no problem with Germans, if they want to contribute to discussion on English speaking instances- great, I want to see their contributions. I'd just like the ability to cut content that I will never interact with.
The concern that people are going to block instances and complain about the death of Lemmy due to a lack of content feels a bit like a straw man. One could argue that the inability to control content they consume might drive people away and lead to the death of Lemmy. That seems just as plausible but equally unfounded.
I'm sympathetic to your concerns but if someone wants to dodge an instance they don't want to view for whatever reason they should be able to do that. Blocking posts on an instance from showing up in your 'all' feed seems reasonable however, I agree, the members of that instance should be excluded from blanket blocks.
Edit- also, sorry you got downvoted. And I'll look around for the language options. Thanks.
I've got "English" already set so not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Just spit balling here, but if there were a feature which auto translated comments (and mentioned that it auto translated the comment), and allow you to respond (and have it translate your comment, and show the comment as translated) would that be of any interest to you?
And check out Connect for Lemmy. I think there’s another one that does the instance blocking, but I know connect does. Thanks for the reply and no worries about the downvotes. This ain’t my first rodeo.
I'd love to read German instances translated to English, actually, yea.
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