My one true love
The Lord of the rings memes communitiy on Lemmy. Share memes about Lord of the rings and be respectful.
Girls only want one thing. It starts with P and ends with an S.
Pancreas :)
🎶 My pancreas attracts every other
Pancreas in the universe
With a force proportional
To the product of their masses
And inversely proportional
To the distance between them 🎶
Wanna eat it? :3
Ooh, we doin’ pancakes today??
To talk to kitties? Ps ps ps ps ps
Kikiky Nootnoot noot ps ps ps
::rubs fingers together::
Cat's can't resist!
Come on guys...its obviously potatoes. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew
You really need a comma in there.
Presidential elections? Promo codes? Packing peanuts?