[D4] Season 3 - Unearth a Looming Threat in Season of the Construct
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Is it good yet?
I've been enjoying it, but I liked all the Diablo games including 3. So my opinion may not be valid.
Although I didn't like Immortals, I did try it, not for me. So maybe a little bit valid.
I haven't played the OG, but probably have 10k hours on D2 over the years. D3 ended up being pretty solid Imo, and I never played Immortals.
I feel like blizzard tricked me into paying $120 for a game that felt awesome in the first few hours but lost all replay value after the first playthrough. I fell for the FOMO and great marketing :(
Its not too late to make it a fun repayable game, but it's getting closer.
Hmm, I just been treating it the same as Diablo 3, play each season for about a month, then play other games for 2 months, then play the next season.
I will say I never follow the meta in computer games, I work out my own builds and do what I find fun. My favourite part of Diablo games was always the character planning and building. I didn't even know what uniques existed in the game until they dropped for me, and some of them genuinely made me change my whole playstyle, as intended. Without using the internet, Diablo 4 very much feels like a Diablo game. Most of the complaints I hear from people are from burning out before they manage all the stuff on their pre-planned checklist. Too many "micro-failures", not enough "micro-successes", that is the exact formula for burn-out.
I personally think most of what has ruined modern videogames for people is that they can't just sit there and enjoy it, they have to know if they are playing it "right". Can't sit there and be stuck on a puzzle for 30 minutes til they figure it out themselves, that's 30 minutes they'll never get back. But to me, figuring out a puzzle was a great way to spend 30 minutes.
I don't know, I guess it's just the start of becoming an old man. But at the very least, I tend to enjoy my time spent on almost any game, how many people can say that nowadays.
I haven't min maxed or anything but it just didn't have any sticking power for me. The only game that I always seem to go back to is Rimworld.
Your opinion is totally valid. I've been feeling this for the last couple of days while playing S3 and just generally having a good time. Everyone liked the Blood Harvest mechanic in S2, so they took elements from it and added them to many different parts of the overworld. But now people hate this, because it isn't contained within a specific zone with special mob density + item drop multipliers like Blood Harvest was.
IMO, Blizzard significantly improved on a core part of the classic Diablo game loop this season: traversing the overworld to get to an instanced dungeon or quest. In S2 and prior, there was no progression reason to engage mobs in the overworld. It was the worst XP, worst item drops, nothing much going on. You would just run your horse to the marker as quickly as possible. Now there are more kinds of mobs, more elites + elite packs, boss spawners, normal gameplay just wandering around is much more varied. And people are calling it 'a huge step back'.
I think they did make the pet pretty lame. If they were constrained to only doing a few actives, they should've at least made the augmentations good, not lame shit like 'do x% skill damage as lightning damage' for each element.
It's very difficult to make sense of how people feel about this game though when many of the specific criticisms seem poorly reasoned. I have to assume a lot of the bad sentiment online over the last couple of days carries a vestige of disappointment about things we already knew: no itemization overhaul, and the same endgame unique grind from S2 bar a weekly challenge dungeon that isn't out until season 3.5. But holy shit, they just added hours of high-quality content to the game for free and it's completely drowned out by these people that can't stop complaining, even in in-game trade chat.
Haven't heard much so I assume no. Season 1 was garbage, season 2 read like even more garbage. Couldn't be arsed to deal with that shit show any longer. I think at this point I just have to accept that the franchise is dead.
I played both season including beta. Season 1 is garbage. Season 2 is better, or as I would call it; mid. But I wouldn’t say its more garbage. Season 3 looks mid as well.
D4 as a whole has way too many things it can be improved on.
But that's the point. I don't give a damn about "mid seasons". I don't even really give a damn about seasons as a whole. I wanted them to properly improve the game, which has just way too many flaws for what its worth, and not waste their time on seasonal gimmicks that are just meant to keep me artificially in the game, same with the FOMO passes. Just fuck all this online & live action shit with all their dark patterns.
They thought they got me with their dark pattern, but I had already refunded the deluxe edition because it wouldn't let my friend do the xbox game sharing trick during early access. Then I bought standard edition on launch and my account still had the free battle pass, lmao gottem with my own dark pattern