ELI5: Why haven’t we fully explored the pyramids yet?
Simplifying Complexity, One Answer at a Time!
The void isn't like a room we simply haven't entered, it's more like the equivalent to an empty space inside the walls of your home. It's there, but there are no passages leading to it. About 75-80% of the interior volume of the pyramids is solid stone as far as we know so it's much less like a modern building and more of a huge pile of stones that happens to have a few open spaces with passages leading to them.
Here's an article that includes an illustration showing just how solid they are as well as the recently discovered void and more info on how they found it using cosmic rays of all things: https://www.science.org/content/article/cosmic-rays-reveal-unknown-void-great-pyramid-giza
There is a great YT channel called "History For Granite" that discusses the pyramids. His (and many others)posit that Zahwi Hawas, who is (or was) the director of antiquities in Egpyt, is a roadblock to many studies because they may differ with theories that he has backed. Bascially the guy has extreme bias.
There is technology that can use existing alterations that have been made to the pyramid (drilled holes) to explore the void you are speaking of... but Hawas wont allow it. He has denounced valid research as quack science, even when it has been vetted by other researchers... again due to his personal bias.
While I agree somewhat with the supposition that Egypts ancient history was plundered by the west... Hawas, from what I can tell, just basically blocks research for no real reason, other than he doesnt want it to happen.
I am sure there is more nuance to the situation than this... but this is what Ihave put together... However, I am about as far away as i can get from being a scholar on the topic.