a 2x2 grid describing different types of homophobes:
Knows and Doesn't care: “[There is no record of this comment]”
Knows and Cares: “Gay people make me uncomfortable and I should work on that”
Doesn't know and Doesn't care: “HOW IS THAT HOMOPHOBIC?!”
Doesn't know and Cares: “That’s homophobic? I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time!”
Was talking about homophobia with someone yesterday and saw this chart in my mind and I thought u guys would like it :3 I know this applies to many things outside of sexuality/gender/etc and even outside of hate so maybe I should have made it more general :p But whatevs, feel free to edit and repost, it's just lines and text X3
It sort of sounds like he was more like lower right, unless you weren't using 'gay people' as a general euphemism for people who are LGBT+, in which case, I guess your friend might fit.
yeye I said in the post's text that this aplies to many other things :p My friend's main problem was that men acting or dressing femininely made him super uncomfortable which includes some gay people but he also used to struggle trying to see a trans woman as a woman, so it's great that he improved on that aspect :3