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DS9 is darker and more modern than others, so it's like a millenial Trek. Muddy politics, lots of warcrimes, lots of incompatible ideas, feeling of helplessness against even minor problems and it's generally closer to us than a dream of the future told by TNG or TOS. I find introduction of Odo and ferengi nationals being a big fat plus to the franchise because of their complicated characters. Unlike older series, main cast doesn't feel welcome here and they try to accomodate to things more foreign to them than they are used to. I can vouch for the quality of writing there, but I am to assume it's just not the thing everyone would want to find in Trek. In the end of the day, DS9 is just a constant depression of us having the same problems and pettiness even on the final frontier. That's why it has all chances to be disliked.