Minnesota Republican legislator opposes safe gun storage law, citing killer cow threat
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This man keeps cows in his house
Yeah, seriously. No one's saying you can't carry a gun while out in the field, just that your gun should be locked up when you're not using/carrying it. What an idiotic argument. Granted, he's a Republican, so what do you expect, but it's hard to believe he couldn't come up with a better argument.
Really, only the cow part is idiotic. Here in Canada, where all guns are supposed to be locked up all the time, every rural home still has a gun propped up somewhere out of sight for predator and pest control. When you look out the window and see a coyote dragging down a lamb or chomping on one of the barn cats you don't have time to go unlock your rifle from the safe. I've grabbed my gun many times for this exact purpose. I don't keep it loaded, but the magazine is nearby and I slap it in and open fire.
But the cow thing is truly idiotic. Why wouldn't he just say exactly what I said?
Warren Limmer is a giant putz. I used to live in his district.