I recently got the tokyo nova fan translation.
It's already a somewhat streamlined game.
I would like to know what I can and cannot cut out of the system in your opinion, without ruining it.
This is more about mechanics than flavour, since the end goal is a more supernatural or gunshoe style system that can do anything.
The skill check system is something I have decided to keep, because it just works perfectly.
The classes are something I am not sure about, as are the tarot scenes.
I might switch out the combat for something more blackjack or poker.
Likely blackjack, with different target numbers, depending on the attack style.
To extend on the blackjack combat:
My idea is that a regular gun does for example crit damage on a 21, mid damage in 16 to 20 and no damage or low on everything below.
A 22 and above is automatic failure, but I am not sure how to utilise that.