Oh my, the itch is back. For the love of all that's holy, somebody scratch my toes, wherever they are...
Perhaps try some cream? Not one of those that "soak in", as that is bullshit and just water evaporating. But one that actually leaves a significant fatty residue. Or simply use vaselin. Because perhaps it has something to do with humility and different foot wear?
I have tried all manners of creams, with and without stuff that requires a prescription. Nothing does anything when it strikes. The only thing that seems to do anything is a piping-hot sauna, and if it goes on for too long, drinking myself to sleep just to escape the damn itch.
This time it lasted for almost 3 days. It rarely lasts that long. And then it went away for no more reason than why it started.
Oh well... At least I almost never have phantom pain and it's very infrequent, so I still count myself lucky.
And yeah you're right, there is no such thing as a penetrating cream. If a cream really could penetrate enough to reach under the skin, it would require a prescription. So by definition, over-the-counter creams are more often placebos than anything else.
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