Sub for any gaming related content!
- 1: No spam or advertising. This basically means no linking to your own content on blogs, YouTube, Twitch, etc.
- 2: No bigotry or gatekeeping. This should be obvious, but neither of those things will be tolerated. This goes for linked content too; if the site has some heavy "anti-woke" energy, you probably shouldn't be posting it here.
- 3: No untagged game spoilers. If the game was recently released or not released at all yet, use the Spoiler tag (the little ⚠️ button) in the body text, and avoid typing spoilers in the title. It should also be avoided to openly talk about major story spoilers, even in old games.
... like... human centipede join?
no, like SQL
Inner or outer?
Outer left join. Which I never know wtf is happening.
Inner join?
Options much like the ones in those mobile ads
Back when you could actually have funny ads and not worry about people whinging about it online
Society peaked.
Absolute foresight from the matrix to say 1999 was as good as it gets.
Send me back.
Ehh not really. Social awareness like for example the LGBTQ+ movement gained a lot of support in past decade.
And here you are whinging.
Nah people still joke about cheating. They love those sexual drama so it's fine.
TIL Brazzers has been in gaming advertising since at least 2002.
Video game ads used to be wild.
"John Romero's about to make you his bitch. Suck it down."
Oh, totally. I’m a child of the 80s and remember them fondly. I just thought it would be a funny comment.
Man, some of those ads were the epitome of sex sells!
All those bottom ads are crazy, too.
“Age 23: (sleep?) your way through the phone book. Twice.”
“Age 40: have a midlife crises for your 40 year old with two 20’s (in a hot tub)”
Age 100 something about spending your time reading books. Like the Kama Sutra
Are you some sort of pixel oracle? I could not read that, even if my life depended on it.
You merely adopted the pixels. I was born in it, molded by it.
Given the year, this probably came from one of those “Playboy lite” men’s magazines that were popular at the time, like Maxim or FHM.
Age 17: Get lucky on the dancefloor and maybe in the bedroom.
"Date" instead of sleep. Slightly tamer.
Age 100: Spend your golden years reading books. Like the Kama Sutra.
Betting they didn't even code any of the buttons except join.
Ironically, that is the only option you cannot do in the Sims 2.
Screaming and Punching are both under the fight submenu, with Divorce being under its own.
Crying is fully autonomous, and they will do it for potentially the rest of their life.--
So it's like in real life!
The Sims used to be so edgy back then, I miss it.
It also used to be good. Man what I would give for a non-mtxn riddled modern Sims
Fuck I loved the Sims 2
Just like real life wow
Always join
Join, punch, divorce
In that order, in quick succession