I once had an idiot rant at me that a movie character was woke because she was named America.
They don’t know anymore what woke even means. There is a good chance that gay sex isn’t categorised as woke.
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I once had an idiot rant at me that a movie character was woke because she was named America.
They don’t know anymore what woke even means. There is a good chance that gay sex isn’t categorised as woke.
Woke is just the new 'satanic'. The bigots of the day don't care what it means, it sounds distasteful to the people who'd listen to them so they apply it to whatever they're opposed to.
I can't wait to watch "Late Night with the Woke Devil".
You make a very good point, "woke" has become a blanket term meaning "whatever offends our sensibilities the most this week."
The meaning of "woke" changed... Like... 4 times, and very rapidly too. Now it's just thrown at literally anything. Anything at all.
Wouldn't that make her patriotic? Which they think being woke is not.
It would if she wasn't brown.
How do I add games to that list? I want to add every multiplayer game that I play online as "Super Woke" in bold red letters.
This is Praxis.
Shit if some incell labels a game "woke" it probably just means I'll like it.
And yet the help desk peons gave me a “strike” because I named a Kitgun “This Kills Fascists” and a zaw named Kill All Fascists.
Now I just name things after historical anti-fascist heroes. Luigi is up next!
I'd have renamed it 'This plays folk music' in reference to the instrument that read/reads 'this kills fascists'.
In fact I tried to name it “This Machine Kills Fascists” but that’s too long. “Woody’s Guitar” is on the list though.
Also support peon’s just change the name to something like “pistol0023” or some similar internal db reference. I have to PAY to rename it to something I like.
Gay sex isn't woke. Bragging about having gay sex is.
you know I have never played or seen this game (or series if it's a series), however this post is just about gonna make me get it solely because that website disclaimer-ed it as woke
it's such a good game, I can't believe it's completely free to play lol.
It do be quite grindy but its devinetively a great game with a good and fair in game trading mechanic.
and to this day i haven't done a single trade where we haven't thanked each other and been polite lol
HMU if you want a guide. I'm happy to help a new player through. Woke, not woke, whatever it is, it's a damn nice game and community. Am more than happy to introduce it to people
Yeah, there are flags and stuff but where the fuck is there gay sex in Warframe? It has been some time since I played it the last time, but I'm sure I would have remembered that.
There is only implied gay sex if you date a 1999 Hex member who is the same sex as your Drifter. Then every time you walk past them in the mall backroom base of operations, you'll get tons of colorful comments about going to pound town later. It's kind of amazing.
I'm not sure Warframe has any limits but I'm surprised they added romance options.
as usual these people never fail to make things sound way more amazing than the boring reality
i'm pretty sure "fully automated luxury gay space communism" was coined by the right wing in an attempt to disparage progressives
...theres gay sex??? where?
Probably, they found some mention of a non-cis relationship and decided to blow that up to saying there's porn in the game because that's what this modern brand of bigotry does. Along with trying to legislatively ban porn, which they've previously defined as anything non-cis.
they should add the gay sex to warframe, they already added the childbirth minigame ;w;
I thought Warframe was a 3rd person looter shooter. What happened since I stopped playing??
Gaming took a strange turn after Pornhub blocked America.
That's a loaded question. When did you stop playing?
There's, picking random wild plants, Fishing, Mining, capturing wild animals, skate/hoverboards, flying space ships around, alchemy, saving a museum from a rich old man that wants to loot it, causing another still rich but far less rich fat guy to cry when you help him meet the rich old man who roasts him so bad you can hear his will to live evaporate...
There is...
Dealing with Gaslighting. Attempting to help patch up family drama. Pilotable mechs. brief touching on quantium mechanics and the nature of reality. Groundhog day time loops....
Helping someone give birth. Reconciling a man's hurt over feeling abandoned by his boss/gay lover.
And NONE of that is touching on 1999's additions.
The New War if you run it as Gara.
I'm pretty sure a recent patch adds a new syndicate that basically functions as a romance/dating simulator.
I don't think it gets explicit, but maybe?
it does not, we just call eachother pookums and babe and trauma dump
the messaging system is honestly amazing for the ability to add in lore and answer all those questions we have had going for awhile.
If you mean explicit as in a sex scene? No.
If you mean explicit as in if it's implied. Oh yeah, 100%. Drifter is, canonically, not a virgin now. It can get as gay as you want it to.
.... There is no sex in Warframe. The fuck is this dude talking about?
There are a few suggestive themes, and a number of the Warframes certainly are nice to look at, but outright sex?
I mean, Albrecht and What's-His-Name are a couple, and Albrecht gave a short, intimate touch on the cheek in one cutscene. Does that count as gay sex?
To these obnoxious bigoted busybodies? Yes. It wouldn't count as strait sex if it were opposite sexes doing it but logic doesn't matter to them.
You haven't played 1999 I take it?
I have, but only the main story part.
I know there's dating now, but... They added sex?
Implied, not literally.
I'm sure the very diverse group of people that made the game are completely fine if your bigoted ass stays far the hell away.
Might be easier to list games that aren't "woke". And how did they manage to forget about Ticker?
On Star Days of ALL days.... For Shame.
She's lovely. Don't you DARE stand Ticker up.
They are the first character I remember in warframe being part of LGBTQ+ (not sure if they were the only one at that time too back then), but it's nice that DE is continuing expanded on representing that group of people too.
Shhh, don't tell'em! This is funny!
I can't believe I've been playing WOKE-frame this entire time! I should have suspected this game was political given the ecofascists are aligned with the space merchants and against the lesbian space school faction!
Now it makes perfect sense why my very bi friend loves this game so much and why he tried so hard (and kinda failed) to get me to play it with him (I'm just not good at shooters).
Warframe fucks.