PS2 Thicccc Edition, I like
Yeah the idea of having one of those simple 90s cases is cool. I would be kinda worried about airflow though. I think it may get kinda hot. Is your front panel mod also meant to intake more air?
In GD09, the front is solid and the sides are intakes. There's 2 120mm fans directly feeding CPU and one for GPU. I could probably easily cut a hole for a second GPU intake at front left, but it might not be necessessary in my case.
It's maybe an old fogie thing to say but whilst the nostalgia is cool, I don't see the point... Unless you can scrounge up some working 5.25 drives from somewhere and custom them into the case lol. Least then you'd be fully embracing the retro. Silverstone's standard case looks nice enough if you want that form factor
I haven’t clicked through the links but if this is what I’m remembering being unveiled a couple months ago (I think as a Japan exclusive), I think those covers just looked like floppy drives but you could put an optical drive behind the top and a card reader/USB ports behind the bottom, something like that.
I suppose if they’re actual 5.25 bays you could put a floppy drive in if you had some way to power them and get data, and you were using an OS that supported them.
I had a look at the spec sheet, looks like you can! I stand corrected, and am now tempted myself hah