
joined 2 months ago
[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is a place to post limited-time giveaways of full video games that are then yours to keep forever at no cost.

Included free with Prime

So I'll get it "free" if I start paying amazon a monthly subscription. I'd rather pay for the game directly.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 week ago

linked critics to Jeffrey Epstein.

If you're against me, you're a pedo!

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 week ago

I too have made the mistake of flipping an if statement. It was clearly supposed to happen to non-HP cartridges.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Who runs a malicious spam campaign with their own name and face? If the pictures are stolen, setting up a whole meme community is kind of a shit thing to do.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

ProStreet got ignored in my circles because it was different, but maybe it was a mistake, that looks fun.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

She's actually the real spammer?

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 week ago (8 children)

I really feel bad for whoever is in these pictures.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 weeks ago

I had a friend with burnout 3. A lot of time was spent on crash mode. Also have paradise on PC, but I didn't play it that much.

Have to install paradise again and get into it properly.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is that mouth just a texture with the camera angle painted on it?

Honestly that's just great.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Might be Midnight Club. PS2 is where I got in.

[–] jyl@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 weeks ago

It wasn't a remaster, and not really a remake either, as the games are completely different. I think it would've been better off released with its own title, or even in a different series as it was very Burnout-y, being made by Criterion.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by jyl@sopuli.xyz to c/buildapc@lemmy.world

I just learned about this cool PC case a couple days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqyQeCbq4YA&t=221s), and I kinda want it over my boring aluminium and glass box. I like both the idea of an old looking sleeper and the horizontal pizza box form factor (or pizza box adjacent as it's whole 4U thick).

So I started thinking about possibilities. The FLP01 is just an off-white version of silverstone's normal HTPC case with a different front panel. So what if I got the case and modded it in a similar manner?


Oversized playstation, a very rough sketch.

I could 3D print this, and probably post-process the surface finish to look as if it were legit. It will probably go nowhere as I can't justify buying a new case just for fun, but I wanted to share this thought anyway.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by jyl@sopuli.xyz to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Hi, I tried a new Lemmy app yesterday. I was already kind of annoyed by different sort icons when using Photon and Voyager, but something snapped when I opened the menu in Interstellar. The third meaning of this arrow was too much.

Voyager Photon Interstellar

Here's a table of all sort icons:

Some of these differences I'm okay with, like controversial sort, but others not so much. Especially when the same icon is used for different things. The symbols become useless if the meaning is different in every ui. I guess because Lemmy-UI doesn't use icons for sorting, other devs just picked something in isolation.

So, my solution is to build a reference icon set that apps / frontends would loosely follow. This could then be added to Lemmy documentation. Any thoughts?

My ideas so far:

  • Hot: fire. rocket is also pretty descriptive, as the post is just taking off.
  • Active: It's Active Discussion, so speech bubbles?
  • Controversial: Anything negative or conflict
  • New: leaf, sprout
  • Old: clock, hourglass
  • Scaled: I don't like the scale icon, but it's still better than random.
  • Most comments: Multiple speech bubbles?
  • New comments: Single speech bubble? I like the unread dot in interstellar.
  • Top: trophy, medal, podium

This post was kinda lemmy-specific, but I'm posting to the generic /c/fediverse since other platforms could have similar issues, and extra perspectives don't hurt.


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by jyl@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz


Menin tilaamaan kirjan. Matkahuolto toimittikin paketin valitun kaupan kassan sijasta vähän matkan päässä sijaitsevaan automaattiin. No, mikäs siinä, ei matka paljoo kasva. Automaatin edessä tarkastelen tekstiviestiä vähän tarkemmin. Ei lokerokoodia, pelkkä käsky asentaa joku appi puhelimeen. No en asenna. Tarkastan sähköpostin, sama sisältö. Matkahuoltolaiset meni näköjään keksimään takuuvarman keinon kasvattaa käyttäjämäärää: asenna appi tai paketti jää saamatta. Perkele.

Panttivankitilanteen pakottamana asennan Matkahuolto Paketit-sovelluksen. Eijjumalauta, appi aukeaa rekisteröitymislomakkeeseen. Vitutus kasvaa odotellessa sähköpostin vahvistuslinkkiä ulkona noin viiden minuutin ajan. Sovellus kaatui kerran, mutta hyväksyttyäni tietojen jakamisen saan paketin ulos. Keskimäärin 1,6 tähden arvosteluissa joku sanoi, että soittamalla maksulliseen palvelunumeroon voi pyytää paketin siirtoa muualle.

Vastoin Matkahuollon mainoslausetta "Ei tehdä tästä pakettisovelluksesta nyt mitään numeroa," aion heittäytyä mahdollisimman vittumaiseksi asian kanssa. Tämmönen bait-and-switch menettely ei kai edes ole laillista.

Edit: Tili poistettu, tein pakettisovelluksesta numeron kuluttaja-asiamiehelle. Pitäiskö vielä varmistaa, että tiedot poistetaan GDPR:n mukaisesti.

HV koko ~~postin~~ matkahuollon väki.

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