a clown country
World News
It's a damn shame considering Finland at one point almost had a successful communist revolution and Stalin himself was sympathetic to Finnish Independence from the Russian Empire. But I suppose that's what pushed the Finnish bourgeoisie to be extra diligent in libwashing the country.
Correct. Failure of class war left generational scars, and WWII gave an illusion of unity. Class consciousness is effectively replaced with reactionary garbage. People think Finland is bee’s knees and buys into bourgeoisie propaganda without questioning. A clown country, truly.
Finland really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They have people believing they’re the sweetest, most tolerant and happy country ever, yet they seemed to have never let go of their fascist past. Literally celebrating a violent racist… cool.
Indeed. Finns firmly believe their own propaganda, like "we were the good guys and innocent bystanders who got brutally attacked by the Soviet Union" or "we have no homeless" or "there is no racism in Finland" etc. Everyone has heard of American exceptionalism, but Finland has its own version too. A country with a healthy working class movement would not allow this.
Another public unisex toilet. Like Margaret Thatcher's and Reagan's graves.
Finland making a bench to honor a genocidal islamophobe? :I-sleep:
Finland making a bench to honor a Russian. :Real-shit:
Y'all when will they get that people can't just take a shit in public places, when you're building toilets, do it in private place.
Lol, lmao, even.
Truly the end part of Stupidity Belt with multiple holes in it.