The system can't even.
Public Blue Screens Of Death
Public Blue Screens Of Death
Public displays and digital infrastructure software failing to do their job because of blue screens, crashes or other problems
On a scale from 1 to even, it can't.
The system has had it
I'd hang that on my wall tbh
The system is down.
The cheat is grounded.
System needs a smoke, but the sign is unclear. Usually red circle means not to do something, but those signs usually have a line through the cigarette. So should we smoke here or not?
Look closer; some joker painted over the line.
All these signs are broken.
Good eye!
Smoking is mandatory
The system got tired of having to smoke constantly
This should be Americas current slogan.
same, system. same
D: innit
.... find the file specified.
No other battery looks like it. No other battery lasts like it.
internet funeral vibes
The system cannot smoke.
Points to the sign below the sign
Internet funeral
Like the system cannot even
Doom, doom, doom, doom
Doodle-up, doom, doom, doom
System. System. System. System.
Famous last words.
prevail on the basis of capitalism🚩🏴
A sign of the times