Looks so good.
Warhammer 40k
A community dedicated to the universe of Warhammer 40k, a tabletop setting in the far, distant future.
This is a general community for 40k miniatures, art, lore discussion, and gameplay discussion.
- Keep it civil.
- No memeposts/shitposts. Memes are great but direct them to grimdank.
- Please mark any posts containing realistic nudity or realistic excessive gore/violence as NSFW; this rule mainly applies to cosplay and realistic drawings rather than miniatures. Being that 40k is inherently violent, this is a judgement call, and mods may occasionally request posters add tags.
- No political or social cause agenda pushing.
Helpful Links
- 10th Edition Rules
- iOS Warhammer 40k App
- Android Warhammer 40k App
- 3rd party site for running Kill Team games
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Badass. What did you wash the armor with? Is it just nuln oil?
I used drakenhof nightshade on the armor, agrax earthshade on the gold (and the skull mask thing), and nuln oil on the red/white areas.
I have used a (slightly dulled) pin in a brown or black paint and just drew lines.
I may give this a try on another model first :)
Paint a strip on some plastic or cardboard. Practice on that (how I figured it out).
For text on banners/seals: Brown or Black .005 Micron pen.
Honestly curious as to how this post got two downvotes?
Is there controversy in the Warhammer 40K fan sphere over how models should be painted?
Why didn’t you link a license with this comment?
Because one of these two reasons...
- I was just asking a simple question.
... or ...
- I was on the toilet at the time, and didn't have access to my license text.
~This~ ~comment~ ~is~ ~licensed~ ~under~ ~CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0~