I really do think we need healthcare reform. It's insane to me that we spend so much to get a relatively substandard care model that we still need crappy insurance companies to deny us.
I do not believe simply cutting the funds will help anything.
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I really do think we need healthcare reform. It's insane to me that we spend so much to get a relatively substandard care model that we still need crappy insurance companies to deny us.
I do not believe simply cutting the funds will help anything.
You're right, the current healthcare cost reflects corporate profits and not outcomes for citizens.
Bet it won't be defence
Yeah, why don't we just cut all of the other bills and then throw all that extra money into the military?
There's no way that could go wrong.
What the hell is "Income Security", other than something that the masses don't have?
I imagine that would be things like tanf, or temporary assistance for needy families, Unemployment, the fdic, things like that.
Since you asked what i would cut and no one seems to be answering that: I would tax the fucking rich, cut all oil subsidies, cut subsidies that don’t give stake in the end product or make it free as a result of the subsidies, and reduce the out of control defense spending
I'm honestly super-surprised that the military is #3 and not #1. I was always under the impression it was like 40% of our budget, not 14%.
The frustrating part is that next week I'm sure we'll see a different set of numbers. Maybe I'll get to be right that week. lol.
I'm just spitballing here, but Medicare and Social Security are funded by their own tax. Military is therefore the largest expense funded by our regular federal income taxes, which is where Congress operates with discretion and chooses to prioritize that over things that help people.
It's those top two.
And health at position 5
Its everything below national defense, because thats musk’s money.