Out of curiosity, what are the strength differences between a regular human and an Ork? I know Orks grow bigger the longer they survive, but on average.
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Considerable. Orks are about 250+ pounds, 6 - 7 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. Orks also get stronger, bigger and more resilient the longer they fight and stay active. A Warboss can be 10+ foot in height, for example.
In Know No Fear two Ultramarines are discussing how to kill an Ork and one comments that an Ork can rip the arms off of a Space Marine in power armour.
An average Imperial Guardsman wouldn't stand much of a chance one-on-one.
I'm imagining the guardsmans arm snapping like those arm wrestling gone wrong videos
The ork is stronger, but that strength is not necessarily equally distributed. Your ability to stop his arm in the position you're moving into may be greater than his ability to swing that axe in the way he has planned. Kind of the key to a lot of the concepts in various martial arts. Does look like kind of a wild swing on the part of the Ork.