Congratulations, happy birthday, and a great way to spend the day! I am turning 50 soon and still consider ages 24-26 among my favorite.
A community for lesbians, people whose loved ones are lesbians, people who want information about lesbians, queer people, and allies!
Trans lesbians are lesbians and are welcome.
Lesbians of other nationalities, even ones you “don’t like”, are welcome. Feel free to speak another language if you can, as long as you tag it with the right language flair.
Thank you!!
You’re welcome!
Oh that's kimd of depressing, was hoping to have better highlights for the future. Guess we all peak at some point 💀
among my best. my best are actually right now, even with all of the insanity in the world. hopefully that makes you feel better. Also, the ages specified coincide with 1999-2001 (before 9/11). So, possibly the peak of humanity before it turned into this mess 😂
Yesss, I’m a pre-9/11 baby
Not by much though, huh! Way to sneak in! 😆
Haha! True!!
I can't think of a better way to spend it
Thank you, erotador! You’re so kind :)