Do you fear the void before birth you emerged from?
Same shit.
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Do you fear the void before birth you emerged from?
Same shit.
The 70s happened before I was born, so yes.
There's no use in fearing the inevitable. It will come, whether you like it or not, and no amount of fighting can stop it. Fearing it only makes you focus on some indeterminate time in the future and lose sight of the now.
But we plan for the future and take action accordingly. How many of your actions are rooted in just fighting boredom versus addressing future matters, after all? This does influence everything. It's sort of leading me to live more in the moment to the point of procrastinating on issues that I'd normally probably try to address more promptly...
Planning for the future has nothing to do with whether or not one fears death. And it's perfectly okay to live more in the moment, because the moment is all we have. The past is gone, the future is yet to come, you exist in the now. So go ahead, procrastinate a little! The vast majority of our problems are not so time-critical that an hour long walk is going to ruin your future. Treating yourself to a coffee and a donut every now and then doesn't leave you fated to be destitute in 5 years.
Practice radical acceptance
There is no benefit in attaching ourselves to the suffering and rumination of that which cannot be changed. We practice radical acceptance in this instance because it, more than any other instance, is unchangeable. Allow yourself to feel the frustration, sadness, grief, anger, etc that you feel when you think about death but allow yourself to let the thoughts pass by rather than attaching to them. If you struggle with it (which of course you will, you’re only human) reflect any analyze your resistance to being able to accept.
It takes practice. There’s a lot more to it, I’m paraphrasing a lot. It’s worth reading about if you’re really struggling
I had forgotten about this phrase, thanks. I had thought "radical acceptance" was just about one's individual, undesirable personality traits or physical appearance, but I apparently haven't read much into this topic! I'd appreciate any resources.
I don’t endorse this website necessarily but skimming the content this page seems like a solid overview
The classic therapy book is “Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha” by Tara brach
But that hints at what it really is: radical acceptance is really co-opting the Buddhist concept of equanimity (upekkha), one of the four sublime states. We have co-opted mindfulness from this as well and made it something a bit removed from its original form
“But the kind of equanimity required has to be based on vigilant presence of mind, not on indifferent dullness. It has to be the result of hard, deliberate training, not the casual outcome of a passing mood”
Yet many mindfulness “apps” are the opposite of this, promoting indifference. They miss the point. A takeaway from my post, if nothing else, is that this takes effort and diligence
A similar concept is 不動心 or fudoshin, the “immovable mind” from Japanese martial arts
Although a lot of the writings on this are like this, about endless achievement and goal orientation. This is not without merit of course but because of the association with martial arts you get a lot of “dojo people” writing on how to get to the next level, instead of a focus on inner peace. That may align with your goals though and it certainly has its applications
There is a difference between knowing and feeling. Rest in the feeling of your life before birth. What do you feel?
We all have a fundamental drive to avoid dying. Our awareness of this inevitability is in direct conflict with this. The solution is often a change in how you think about things and yourself.
My personal view is that I have something analogous to a soul. It is the 'me' of me. It is also fundamentally tied to the structure of my brain (and body). When that structure changes, I change, when it goes, my 'soul' is destroyed with it. Critically however is that it is not alone. I can imagine what friends and relatives would say or do. In some ways, I have a weaker copy of their 'soul' within mine.
I also imprint part of my soul onto others in other ways. I create ripples in the world. Changes that wouldn't happen, were I not alive. Those ripples propagate through others, changing them. Some of those ripples are weak, only affecting 1 person. Others are stronger, affecting several people. A few are strong, able to spread, grow, and change the world (if only slightly). While those ripples, or their echoes exist, part of me does too.
My goal in life is 2-fold. Maximise my happiness and maximise the positive ripples I can create.
A quote by Terry Pratchett put it more poetically.
"No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence."
Embrace the void, like the womb it is. Safe, tranquil, forever at peace. Closest thing to a real heaven
The loss of my memories is not something I look forward to (again, presuming that's what would actually happen).
All the good times we had, and will have, with anyone or anything ever will totally annihilate into nothingness.
No. They will still have happened. You will still have experienced them. You can only really ever experience whatever is happening to you now. If there is only nothingness after death, then you will not experience it.
Make the most of your life in the way it make sense to you. That could be having more shared laughs with loved ones or dedicate it to saving the critically endangered purple-spotted pygmy shrew.
In short: You will experience your life, you will not experience "the great void of death".
From an uncertain genesis to a certain end. You do not remember being born, but you know someday that you will die. This is awareness. And there is some comfort in this.
In the past you have remembrance or memory. The things that you were or the things that happened to you. In the future you anticipate what could come, or what your hopes are. You make plans. And that's fine. It's part of the human condition. But the now is the only thing that is actually happening.
Seize this moment. This moment is where you are. This moment is where you live. Being kind to yourself, being kind to others, being a person that others would wish to be, if they were examining your present person.
To build the world, or at least your small part of it, in the way that you see fit is all that our tiny hands can do. And there is a certain satisfaction in that. To live moment to moment. And to build your station. And to build others stations around you. To empower yourself and others. These are the things that build satisfaction. Gratification. These things are real. And these things do not require anything of the past or future.
Eventually you can stretch this now into the whole of your life. And it will provide wholeness that is not dictated by any sort of belief. For belief is not necessary. Let me repeat. You do not need to believe in anything to have wholeness and fulfillment in your life. But it certainly helps to be kind to others for its own sake. For that is the rule that others will measure you on as well.
I hope that helps.
PS. If you dig on this kind of thing, look into stoicism.
I think of it this way. Do you remember your great grandparents? How about your great great grandparents? How about your great great great grandparents? At some point, you'll go, "Gee, I've never thought of them before."
But do you think they mattered? You may not know what they did, what they hoped for, and the struggles they faced, but had they not existed, neither would you have. They mattered, even if you remember very little about them, and on top of that, you can probably learn about many of them with some effort in genealogy.
You may not have some cosmic importance with the power to change the world, but neither did most Christians, even when you were a believer. But that doesn't mean they didn't matter, and it doesn't mean you don't matter.
Christianity teaches you the lie that to matter, you must have permanence, but consider this:
Your life is like a plate of cookies, warm and sweet and delicious, and it is best when shared with people you love. One day, that plate of cookies will be empty, but the cookies are no less delicious and the sharing no less meaningful just because there is a finite number of cookies.
One day, my plate of cookies will be empty, but if I am remembered fondly, then it will have been a life lived well. I don't need infinite cosmic importance to matter, and neither do you.
Without trying to sound too metaphysical. I look at it this way. The atoms that make up my body were forged in the hearts of stars. These atoms have existed in some form across the universe for billions of years.
I don't remember what patterns my atoms were before they became this one, and I don't know what pattern these atoms will take once I am done with them, but these atoms will remain.
This consciousness that has arisen from this pattern of atoms may give way to a different consciousness in a different pattern of atoms in some untold amount of time. While this consciousness may not know of that one, and that one may not remember this, it eases my mind to know that the stardust that originated these atoms will still exist.
It eases my mind to know that in the infinite void of nothingness, this pattern of atoms and this consciousness have impacted those around me. The short period of time that this consciousness is around gives me the opportunity to experience the wonderful breadth of the human condition, because this will be the only time these atoms are in this exact pattern. Every moment of my existence I am unique.
I am of the universe, I have experienced the universe, and others have experienced the universe through me.
The counterargument that works for me is - why must it be terrifying to return to nothing? It’s something immutable. We weren’t owed anything by the universe - why bemoan what we don’t have, when we could enjoy that which we do?
Take a walk outside. Read a book. Snuggle something furry. It’s perfectly natural to fear death, but if it stops you from enjoying your life, isn’t that a little self defeating?
I've had an overall decent life. I still have a lot of time to live with my friends and family. But I take solace in the fact that I will just cease to exist when I die. Or obviously, that's my opinion anyways.
I don't want to argue my beliefs, but that's how I feel about it.
It seems like a just end. Literally nothing. A final sleep.
I suppose it depends on how attached you are to this life. The loss of fear, worry, pain, drama, hunger, thirst, illness, etc. It might help to look at scientific talks about time. In particular if it does have a direction. Basically you perceive this thing happening in the future but that is just an artifact of existence as your future is no more separate than the past.
For me, it's easy to not fear it when I'm healthy, but as soon as I have health problems, I get this strong fear of mortality. It's a visceral thing though. In my mind, I know it's fine, it's inevitable, and there has never been a better time in history for medical treatment. But the fear I feel is separate from that rational knowledge. That is what's hard for me to harmonize. There is an anxiety underneath it all. And the funny thing is I never used to get that either, but after my brother committed suicide, I have had this visceral, mortal fear.
Daily meditation has helped me identify the feelings, but has not helped much in overcoming them. It has helped me find peace among them, which is a decent middle ground.
The mortal fear also helps me clearly prioritize things in my life, so it does have its benefits.
I used to be scared of death, too, then I realised how terrible life was. Now I look forward to it so there will be no more suffering. Oblivion is better than pain. I'm still scared of the pain of dying, just not of what may lie beyond.
Well, life for me currently is not terrible, so while oblivion is certainly better than pain, satisfaction and fulfillment are better than either. If my life situation changes, though, I may join your ranks.
Yeah, everything you listed as a negative to fear I take a different positive spin on.
I will lose all sense of regret, loss, pain, fear, and guilt instantly.
The good times are still there in the memories of the living, where they belong.
The universe being a huge uncaring void means it doesn't matter that the world is... infected with humans. That, too, one day, will pass.
Nothing matters. Be free.
I will lose all sense of regret, loss, pain, fear, and guilt instantly.
Well, sure, if you're endlessly haunted by that stuff, yeah, but thankfully, I'm not, at least for now, so the ending of everything else would feel like a net loss to me. My view really only applies to people who like, not dislike, their life situation.
infected with humans.
You sound like a prime candidate to join the VHEM.
You don't think if you lived FOREVER you would come to regret?
It's your choice to let your past decisions haunt you, though. You can either focus on the pain or on the lessons learned. The past can't be changed either way, right? It's a matter of perspective.
I'm generally grateful for my current life situation, even if it could be better in certain ways and even though I could have certainly made better decisions in my past; the results of my choices, optimal and suboptimal, have still shaped my thinking and current day-to-day life into what it currently is. So that combined with the crumbling of my conviction of the existence of souls is what has driven me into this existential crisis, I suppose.
And how many eons could you last with an intact mind and nothing to do but to think about your past?
Also, would you have perfect recall of your entire life? Memory is a flaw of the flesh. Would you perfectly remember every moment? See the well hidden disappointment in your mom's face you never noticed?
Well, the hope/fantasy would be that humanity would survive and figure out the universe's heat death problem, and that we'd carry forward together. There is no point to just surviving alone, true.
Memory is a flaw of the flesh.
Memory is flawed but is not a flaw; it's perhaps the single greatest thing we've (all of us organisms, human or not, have) got of life experience. If I knew I was gonna succumb to dementia and it was deemed irreversible then kill me now lol. But since we don't know that... it'd sure be nice to retain, and have the opportunity to form new, memories and not just see all our joys or the fruit of our labor come to an end.
Yeah, I meant to say "memory is only flawed because of the flesh"
It sounds like you had an imagining of an afterlife where people were alive and living together in some form. How would that work? Sounds like a huge hassle to me personally.
had an imagining
You do know which community we're commenting in, right? It's not like everyone can just immediately slice off decades-long-held beliefs right away...
Uhh, okay. Good talking with you. Have a good one!
Huh? I don't understand your dismissal; not every ex-believer instantly goes atheist, you know.
It seemed you didn't want to talk to me anymore and instead started making assumptions and addressing those.
I was trying to understand what you really meant when you had said, "an imagining of an afterlife"; I didn't understand where that statement came from to begin with, because I don't think it's possible for consciousness to survive death (or else I wouldn't have felt angst enough to make this post in the first place)... which I hope I'm wrong about, but just can't see any conclusive evidence of.