it was an unfortunate choice to make the video thumbnail include the headline the video refutes, without any indication that it is being refuted, given that presumably far more people will see the thumbnail than will watch the video ๐คฆ
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Yeah, his videos and articles are usually insightful - but his thumbnails are often weirdly bad. In this case, I wonder if he thought the original article and his own stance towards it were somehow mor commonly known with people, or if it was an unfortunate attempt at clickbait.
next time I'd suggest you link the matching article on since it's better to have text posts on link aggregators like lemmy, it's run by the same guy and the articles have the same content.
Here is the link for the article with the same content as this video, for those curious:
Thanks so much
TLDR: The ones at the top get millions.
Most of that is from Google, not donations.
I genuinely appreciate Niko's pushback against the absolute BS that various political agents push under the guise of critiquing tech or wanting improvement. (Notably, because these criticisms are dictated by their politics and are often hypocritical, and there is no "right way" for Mozilla to behave to them... except to embrace their own politics or cease existing.)
I wish there was a popular non-political agent that was capable of critiquing Mozilla's finances, especially because my biggest issue is with them is the combined $65 million Mozilla devoted to AI and venture capital (mostly AI), and how they proceeded to lay off employees that were part of a division that was actually making money. To the protests of their manager. Who was then also laid off.
What we need is something better. The reason Mozilla is still around is that they are not Chromium.
Oh I remember this guy. Is he still a KDE developer?