Lost my 20 year old FB account. Because I responded to a blatant "The South Will Rise Again" terror post by a bot. I as a joke said. "Can't wait to meet you in battle." and that was enough to ban me there. FB is protecting the hateful bigots that click on the Ai content.
Lost my 20 year old FB account. Because I responded to a blatant "The South Will Rise Again" terror post by a bot. I as a joke said. "Can't wait to meet you in battle." and that was enough to ban me there. FB is protecting the hateful bigots that click on the Ai content.
To be fair, American democracy was replaced with corporate Government a long long time ago.
Ya, but now you can't talk about it.
Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business's are worthless without our accounts.
It's a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.
Everyone needs to GTFO facebook. We can hardly do it because every other HOA and School PTA is there, but we get stop using messenger and stop having personal discussions over there.
I was fortunate that my partner never used Facebook, so I got to hold "communication with their sibling/child" over their heads and get the family chat onto signal. That was my last thing I had to do before I could delete my account
The most fun was sending a message to each of the Facebook friends: hi (name) I'm deleting my Facebook account, if you want to contact me online I can be reached on signal at (signal ID)
My wife and I were on Facebook Messenger a lot. Then she started pointing out every time we would talk about any topic she would get ads for it. I talked her into using signal.
We added the teenager into it, now the only serious problem I have is the little one could stand to be on the family chat in signal but he doesn't have a phone number.
I tried making an account for him with my Google voice number, for some reason it refused on his Wi-Fi only tablet. So I made him an account using my real phone number, then remade my account using my Google voice number on my phone which worked, But now his signal account flips back and forth between his name and my name and it's just very confused. It's good enough but I wish there was some way you could do signal without having to do a phone number. Especially a sub account for kids you know...
I thought I heard recently about signal allowing a different ID system, but I think that's about not having to share your phone number, as against them IDing you with a phone number which I expect they will keep doing
signal allowing a different ID system
It used to surface your number to all your contacts, now they only see your handle.
Still have to use a phone number to sign up.
Don't accept it when organizations require you to sign up and hand over personal information to private and commercial third parties. Requiring Facebook is an active attempt at curbing participation.
Next Reddit will start banning you for upvoting anything about it.
Please share this document far and wide. People need to understand what's going on, to stop it.
Streisand effect: I had never heard of the “network state” until now. Uh, thanks for being such an asshole, Zuck!
any terminally ill people down to go down in history as a fucking chad with a rifle or a drone?? anyone??
We're all terminally ill on a long enough timeline.
So... Was that an offer to be our chad?
This man has a bunker and everything. He's scared shitless and he is ready to hide. Their assets need to be seized and accounts drained
That's not a joke, ALL these dudes have extensive doomsday prep. Secure facilities, staffed and stocked. There's a ton of reporting on it. They're gonna fare a LOT better than we are if shit gets really outta hand. Unless we do something about them before it gets to that point, anyway.
Edit: added a detail
Wait, corporate government, like in cyberpunk?
My friends have been describing America now as cyberpunk without the cybernetics. We have no neuromancers
It's terrifying
Of course they are. They'll ban discussion of democracy next, and then voting.