In the words of the Liberal party... "If you don't know. Vote No!" So kindly f-off Mr Potato-head.
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What does he think this is? A lucky dip election? State the plan!
"Trust me bro."
Says the least trustworthy bloke in Australia Bescides scomo. Is his wasteful spending all the taxpayer funded flights he takes?!
The coalition literally does this every election. "Trust us, we're better economic managers" is all they say. No specifics, then when they win they gut services used by people they don't like, aka health, education and welfare services.
Never forget the 2014 liberal budget.
Mmm Red Snapper, very tasty. Or do you want what's in the box that Hiro San is bringing down the stairs right now?
End with closing bracket, not opening bracket.
I edited it in seconds. Must have federated the original.
Mr Dutton said he would not detail exactly where the spending cuts would come from until after the federal election.
It's as if he knows that it'd be a whitewash if the voters knew what he intended.
If you don’t know vote no
Murdoch and Co are going to push this shit stain so fucking hard.
Yeah they are going to throw everything to try get him in.
It's as if the Liberal Party studied at the US election and forgot to look at how their citizens, and the world for that matter, are reacting afterwards. We know what an efficiency department looks like now.
So, some sort of Department Of Government Effici— OH GAWD NO! Probably headed by Gina “Pwease don’t post my caricature portrait” Reinheart.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, the Italian partisans knew what to to with potatoheaded fascists.
@Joshi oh so nuclear is off the table already? 😂
Nah we’re just getting some second hand Soviet gear. Already disassembled! Just gotta go collect it ourselves.
"Concepts of a plan". This is from page 25 of the instructional guide titled "How to keep your dummies in line, for dummies" aka Project 2025. Woops wrong country. Project 202x - Electric Boogaloo Global Edition .
We don't know his plans. They go to another school
I think it's a safe bet that the "wasteful spending" won't come from politician salaries and staff. As It always does it will come from frontline service delivery and programs that benefit society. They will make a big deal about how much they have saved, then people will start to complain about things like not being able to get their aged pension and they will quietly start increasing staff numbers again, ready to start the whole cycle again in a few years.
Concepts of a plan.
When is his birthday? I’ve got a blonde combover wigs with an oversized red tie for him.
So, he's seeing America go down that path and decided that's what Australia needs?