You republican shill. get off of lemmy and go back to Reddit if you like to like the boot so much.
A community for some conservative points of view.
Please be respectful, even if you don't agree.
You democrat shill. Get off of lemmy and go back to Reddit since you like to like the boot so much.
How does that make sense you loon? Lemmy is an open platform run by the people. If you like cooperations and republicans so much go back to where your leaders want you. Because not a damn person wants you here.
Lemmy is an open platform run by the people.
Ok, then I have just as much right to be here as you do. See how that works?
If you like cooperations and republicans so much go back to where your leaders want you.
And if you like the corporations and democrats so much, go back to where your leaders want you.
Because not a damn person wants you here.
Plenty of people want me here. That's why I keep posting. I'll never leave Lemmy. Accept it.
The award for most ignorant comment goes to...
I guess catastrophic explosions and failures can also be called "epic".
Do you think the mission will be successful or not?
I give it 50/50. SpaceX rockets have been blowing up more frequently lately, and there's currently a brain drain ongoing at both the company and NASA.
Aw, lovely lovely elon, such a brave, kind and caring man.
Right wing, certainly, I'm sure we can agree.
I guess we do. He's awesome and he's doing good things. And Democrats did nothing to stop him.
Awesome like a hurricane.
It is awesome like a hurricane. Yes. :)
Good things like removing medicaid, medicare, social security and the department of education.
Have they removed medicaid, medicare, and social security? I didn't see that. Links showing that have taken that away?
Don't worry, they promised and you can trust them. It will save billions and billions.
I do trust them. And so do most voters, which is why Trump won the election. :)
They're such winners.
Yes they are.
Winning at massive, massive tax cuts, and none of that progressive tax nonsense, this redresses that loser-is-winner crap by making the tax cut bigger the more you're winning financially. Losers actually get more tax. Serves them right for being such losers. That'll show the libs.
The Dems tried to amend it to stop millionaires getting the tax cut. Didn't work. Hard working Republicans shot that down. Then they tried to stop billionaires getting the tax cut. Hard working republicans shut that down too. It would have stopped Elon getting it, and who is working harder than Elon to cut spending?
I like what the Trump admin and Musk are doing.
Darn right you do. Like Trump said, winners don't get injured in combat, just losers, so all that waste and $880bn overspending at medicaid and medicare and the VA has got to go. I know those judges blocked it but like Musk said, you've gotta lock up judges if they're going to block the democratically elected will of the people, which is exactly what Musk and DOGE are doing. Trump will win in the end, just like he did with the other trumped up charges. Did you know that medicaid and medicare are paid to women and children far more than to men? What about men's rights? The whole thing has to go.
He's never said he was going to get rid of medicaid, medicare, or the VA. So I don't even know what you are going on about.
Dude, you need to watch more Fox and keep up with Truth Social or you're going to miss shit. There's $880bn cuts that the Energy and Commerce Committee are going to make, and the lion's share of their budget is the waste, incompetence and handouts to the undeserving poor that is medicaid and medicare. Stop listening to the fake news media and grow a pair.
You can be sarcastic all you want. But I'm totally happy with what Trump and Musk are doing, and I love that they are cutting so much.
So you keep being sarcastic, I'll keep sitting back and smiling at all the chaos. :)
Where's the sarcasm? And where's the chaos? It's not chaos, it's the plan. The only chaos is the libs panicking because finally we have an administration that's serious about cutting the federal government and giving hardworking folks their tax money back. If you think you can make serious cuts to federal funds without cutting handouts, you're not thinking bold enough. We all know that medicaid and medicare go disproportionately to poor people and poor people are more often than not DEI people. It's all gonna go.
This is why you all lost the election. I'm sooo happy Trump won. To watch you cry like this is amazing.
RINO! I listed only advantages and you heard disadvantages. If you aren't signed up to project 2025 you're not a true republican.
Keep crying. I'll keep laughing. Guess you Democrats should have worked harder to not let this happen. :)
Who's crying? I don't think you have the balls to accept trump's plans, you got nervous as soon as I mentioned healthcare, but I don't want my premiums paying for some long haired loser from Cali and I don't know why you do. $880bn. That tax cut's coming my way and you having a wobble about it isn't going to do a damn thing to stop it.
I'm not afraid at all. I like Trump. I unironically agree with everything you are saying.:) I know you're trying to colbert it up, and it's not even clever. Try harder.
You shat your pants when I told you about medicaid and medicare, went into full denial. You can't hide it, it's all in the comment chain, weak minded RINO. $880bn of cuts to a 2tn budget which is 95% obama era expansion of government funded healthcare.
It is all in the comment chain. I haven't denied anything, nor am I worried about anything. I like Trump and Musk. And I like how panicked and upset you are about them. :)
Yup, you like a strong man telling you what to think.
You were in absolute denial mode about the massive cuts to medicaid and medicare. And now you're in denial about your denial. Logical thinking much?
Consistent beliefs a bit too hard to hold down when all you want is for your daddy Diaper Don to be right? Too bad he's about as consistent as a gnat in a hurricane.
You believe one thing yesterday, something else today and another thing tomorrow, whatever he says, because you can't even think for yourself. You think that because it's called truth social it's true! Lol.
"Flood the channel with shit" is what the strategy is called, and here you are, wading about in it, trying to catch it in your hands each day and keep it, believing it, reposting it, treasuring each nugget in your heart and defending it online, when not 1/10 of it is what it claims to be and not 1/100 of it is anything he actually cares about. All he actually cares about is who called him stupid, who called him clever, and who put big money in his accounts.
He holds you and other people that trust in him in complete and utter contempt, you know, you're just a means to an end. It's all about him. He knows you'll lap up whatever line he feeds you today and switch to whatever line he feeds you tomorrow. He doesn't even try to make it make sense because he knows you'll let him do whatever he likes, crap all over the US economy, let foreign leaders tell him what to do (as long as they've paid enough into Mar a Lago or Trump stocks), and you'll cheer him on as long as he convinces you that someone else that you look down on is having a bad time. So much win for you. Now that one was sarcastic.