And for those who would like a little background detail:
Rules TBD.
If that was about any officially "bad country" western media would immediately cry genocide. Hell they are crying genocide about China where the minorities population is increasing.
I know what you are trying to say, and there is no genocide on Xinjiang, but I wouldn't frame it that way my friend. Zionists use that same logic of population rising against Palestinians.
I know what you are trying to say too, but if we abandon every argument just because it is emptily used by this or that nazis, while remaining true in the specific context it was used by others, it would be undialectical and unmaterialist.
I’d imagine the number of Portuguese in Macao and the number of British in Hong Kong would show similar movements to Russians in Latvia - but I wouldn’t immediately call it genocide; but then I’m no expert.
gasp you mean this was slanted towards a particular conclusion interrobang
Well, I suppose that is one possible conclusion… but I’m not one to rush to judgement.
I just thought people might like to see a similar graph - but with more pretty colours on it.
forgive me
Ok, just this once…
This factoid removed from context means nothing to me, good or bad.
Feelings meet Facts.
i bet feelings trump everything
Shit like this harms your ostensible (heavy emphasis on ostensible) goals.
Population has declined in general, especially in richer countries. This stat alone is not conclusive or a solid argument. There are better stats that proof ussr communism wasn't bad for the people compared to capitalism.
The rate of growth has declined, but very few richer countries have had a decline in absolute population numbers.
How about some earlier yesrs prior to USSR occupation?
why don't you find what life was like in Latvia before it joined USSR