Bangers for breakfast, bangers for lunch....
Seriously. Now if we can just tidy up the defense
Liverpool have a defence? ;-)
Man, this is just like a few years ago, heart attack at the end of every matches
Again, following the game via notifications is heart attack inducing. Jeeze
LFC v Fulham: Kelleher Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Van Dijk, Tsimikas Mac Allister, Szoboszlai, Gravenberch Salah, Nunez, Diaz
Subs: Adrian, Gomez, Endo, Konate, Jones, Gakpo, Elliott, Doak, Quansah
That was absolute insanity, fantastic entertainment (well, apart from about 20 minutes of the second half which I can't remember anything from at all.
Great goals from both sides (I thought Fulham's first was a beautiful move and really well finished, albeit with questions over the keeper), but especially MacAlister's, holy shit.
Amazing stuff.
2nd half should be entertaining.
Oddly it mostly wasn't, until the end. Crazy game!
True, I completely spaced out for most of the second half... but what an ending🤯
What a goal
You know it's a good game when I don't even know which one you're talking about
What was the injury to allison?
It was the last minute hamstring injury against City iirc
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19 | English League Titles |
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4 | UEFA Super Cups | 1 FIFA Club World Cup |
16 | FA Charity / Community Shields |
2 | Women’s Super League Titles |
Justice for the 97 ~ 15 April 1989
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