I'll take 11 minutes of Bill Burr roasting the entire city of Philadelphia over 7 hours of Dane Cook any day.
Weird that you think it’s an either/or situation but thanks for your input
That's what your said mom said too
Weird that you think me literally stating my preference for 1 thing over another thing is anything BUT an either/or situation.
Set... That's a strange way to pronounce "coke fueled rant"
I always heard he was more of a fan of speed, which explains why he didn't have to stop his set every 15min to have another line.
I only assumed. This makes sense.
Looks like he did it to break Chappelle’s record. That might displeased me at that time. Not so much now.
7 hours, 34 minutes, and 3 laughs.
That many? Was one of them when he said he was planning to be there for that long and people thought it was a joke?
Even his latest special is pretty good. Never understand the mass hate with his huge popularity, but I guess that’s what comes with the crazy popularity.
I only ever saw 1 special but it was funny back then. He was good in Waiting as well.
Me too, happened to catch him at a club a little before he blew up and I remember laughing my ass off…can’t vouch for anything he’s done since tho, it’s def possible his act didn’t age well so grain of salt
I think a lot of it was just that his humor was very much of its own time. That sort of early 2010s style of comedy hasn't aged too well.
Haven't seen his new stuff, though. Honestly didn't even know he was still in the comedy scene at all, might have to give it a watch!
He pioneered the way standups get theirselves out there today. In the days of MySpace. Everyone thought he was out of his mind while he was doing it too.
Even when I thought Dane Cook was funny 20 years ago (even saw him in Maryland) I don’t think I could take more than an hour of it lol
I actually still find Dane Cook's stand up funny, which I know is not a popular opinion on the internet. But I still think anything longer than 60 minutes - MAYBE 90 minutes - would be excruciating.
Yeah I can’t remember why he fell out of fashion (maybe because he started acting?) but he really was funny at his prime. The show I saw was fantastic!
I honestly think it was a case of he was just so popular that everyone has to act like they hate him to seem cool and hipster. The same thing happened with Green Day in like 2006. The same thing is happening with Taylor Swift now.
Chris Pratt also comes to mind!
Yes, absolutely.
easy when you just steal everyone else’s jokes.
Wow, that sounds awful lol
His humor was (is? I haven't seen any recent stuff by him) so big I can't imagine seeing it for so long. Exhausting
I was stuck in a car on a trip with a guy who really liked Dane Cook. He kept saying stuff like Aw Man you gotta listen to this part right here, this is some funny shit right here. Terrible.
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