Various EVE Online ships vs Borg Cube.
Rocinante vs Serenity
Battlestar Galactica vs Martian battleship from The Expanse.
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Various EVE Online ships vs Borg Cube.
Rocinante vs Serenity
Battlestar Galactica vs Martian battleship from The Expanse.
Rocinante vs Serenity
A warship against a bucket?
I think I was wondering more about how the crews would deal with each other, but yeah I forgot that Serenity isn't armed lol.
To be fair, after the two crews met, Serenity would end up heavily armed, and Rocinante would find they're shooting empty coke cans out of what used to be railguns.
Imagine Jayne and Amos hanging out.
Imagine Jayne and Amos hanging out.
"I am that man"
"Well I am that man called Jayne"
What am I talking about, if they don't fight they'll bond over guns.
Kaylee would be fixin to bed that fine engineer though, she'd have a huge crush on Amos.
Zoe and Naomi would date, maybe.
Bobbie would beat Jayne up for making untoward remarks about her.
Kaylee would follow Amos around absolutely smitten.
River and Peaches would bond.
Drummer would wreck Cap'n Tightpants.
Simon would just be horrified by everything.
River and Peaches would bond.
I don't know if I'm scared or happy.
Damn yokels can't even tell a transport ship doesn't have any guns on it.
Oh Jayne, you're my hero.
Battlestar Galactica vs Martian battleship from The Expanse.
Wow. That would be an epic fight. The Donnager has 2 dorsal railguns standard with hard points to add 4 more. Galactica has 8. Both ships are equipped with a CIWS type point defense system to take out incoming missiles. The Donny has 14 missile launchers while BSG has 12 missile tubes. The two capital ships are very close in capabilities but my money would be on Galactica. She's got a fleet of Vipers and Raptors in her belly while the Donnager only has the Tachi. The Donny would usually deploy with a fleet though as it's a command and control vessel. Also if the going gets too tough Galactica can make an FTL jump, the Donny is stuck at sublight.
Thank you for describing them both in such detail!
Dang, now I want someone way more obsessed and creative than me to make a video about it!
Personally I think the only way the Donny could win is if she had her whole fleet with her, even then it's probably a stretch.
The Jupiter Fleet is what the Donnager was flagship to and they aren't described in detail in the books but if we gave her something comparable to a modern carrier group but in MCRN ships she would travel with one carrier (MCRN Donnager), two cruisers (We'll use MCRN Destroyers since they don't have cruisers), three destroyers or frigates (We'll say 3 MCRN frigates since we already have destroyers) and one auxiliary (Supply Ship).
That's a decent amount of firepower but Galactica and Pegasus took down 2 cylon basestars and ~1000 cylon raiders while only losing a couple raptors during the battle of the resurrection ship.
Another notch in the belt for BSG.
Yeah, Big G is on a whole other level. Lol add Pegasus in and they'd probably conquer the whole solar system!
I might be basic, but I really like the Enterprise vs the Borg cube.
How many times have we seen that by now... And the Borg always lose, except the first encounter.
Serenity vs The Delta Flyer
I know it's cliché, but Superman vs. Goku sounds like an eternal battle of immovable object and unstoppable force. (Which is an interesting one on its own.)
Depends on what iteration of Superman we're talking about. A lot of writers will argue his skill set is telepathy based, but he's unaware of it. If he were to become aware of his telepathic ability he'd be like Doctor Manhattan levels of godlike. When he stops a plane, he distributes the weight over the whole body instead of the single point of contact with his hand, otherwise the plane would crumble under the pressure of him trying to stop it. His heat vision is him heating up the particles in his line of sight, same with x-ray vision. Superman has a basically unlimited power ceiling, and it mostly depends on his emotional state - when he gets more angry he can do crazy things, we're talking about outrunning the Flash kinds of crazy things.
outrunning the Flash kinds of crazy things.
I love when they show Superman is above mere human superheroes. The best part of Justice League was when Supes saw Flash when he was fighting the others. Imagine being Flash thinking you're the fastest thing on earth and superman just turns and looks at you when you're tapping into the speed force.
Well, that makes it boring however, if he can do literally anything like a god. Both comics and anime have a wild power creep anyway. So yes it's important to pick the iterations of either, and that's so fun.
He doesn't though. He's usually pulling punches like Spider-Man. Lois Lane keeps his humanity in check, and when she dies he goes berserk. Batman's checkmate plan for this involved bringing in another Lois Lane from a different timeline/universe to talk Superman down. I want to say it was Superman: Doomsday that this all happened in. Lois dies with child and Superman goes berserk after getting attacked by Doomsday, eventually doing the classic Laser-Lobotomy.