Really kicked the hive of peckerwoods with this one
Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
-17 but zero comments on lemmy lol.
EDIT: -32 now, but the only two comments are from grad
C memes is an absolute cracker bar.
Or a cracker bar-rel? :wheeze:
One is a boring, sleepy genocidal geriatric
The other is an entertaining genocidal geriatric
Your move, America!
Also I like how libs spend their time downvoting memes here. You guys could just go read your hug box "Joe is good!" memes on the entirety of reddit, twitter, or lemmy minus basically two instances.
Correction: one is Trump, the other is Trump if he was a dementia patient
No, one is Biden, the other is Biden if he were a shitposter.
Man, the libs are coping with those downvotes.
Mald and cope harder 😂
Could be federation errors; but I don't trust that off the cuff to not think is performing real-time skullduggery on their iteration of this post. Know for a fact I've made three posts in that thread that none of which show up in my history, NOR in ANY modlog. But y'know, we're supposed to be the 'authoritarian echo chamber', aren't we? Peckerwood-assed crackers.
Relax, federation bugs happen. Sometimes it takes a bit for things to mirror on other instances, and ml is having server troubles at the moment.
I see your three posts there, 2 with super creepy genocide joe pics and one this:
Yeah nah they DO NOT SHOW UP for me, neither under the post, nor in my history. Stranger still that OTHER comm posts turn up in it-- but NOTHING from that specific thread. (Also yeah the only thing I consider generative AI good for is making creepy shit like that. I can turn ANYONE I ideologically stand against into a snide barbie doll; I'm sitting on a really high-power render that I'm gonna paint up and use for a musical project later in the year.)
They both have extremely funny moments which are completely overshadowed by coming from openly genocidal fascists.
99% nazi vs 100% nazi