How do I unlock the stuck cleaning everything in sight? Asking for a friend
See but the thing is nothing ever actually gets clean, so it’s a very pointless stuck.
You see something to clean up and start to do it, but on the way you find something else and gets distracted, and before you know it you have 16 things in hand and no idea what you intended to do with any of them. And very little has actually been accomplished.
If you keep it up, the joint does end up being cleaner, you gotta admit
Maybe not uniformly...
I’ve found 2 methods:
- Invite someone over. This one though isn’t so much actually cleaning things so much as shoving things into closets and anywhere else that’s out of sight in a panic.
- Have something else you’re supposed to be doing (an assignment that’s due, your taxes, or something else that’s urgent). That’ll be the time your brain decides you cannot look at these dirty kitchen cabinets any longer and they must be washed right. this. minute. Or so a friend tells me.
Yeah I also feel I'm missing this plugin
Is ADHD different between men and women? Because I relate to 4/5 of these, but I see that it's posted in ADHD women.
Everything from ADHD and ASD to strokes and heart attacks can present differently between the sexes, sometimes unrecognizably so. Not even every member of the same sex with the same condition always experiences the same symptoms. Basically everything about us that makes us individuals exists on a continuum, at least in my view, whether it's the autism spectrum or the hair color spectrum.
E: clarity
It does present differently, partly because of societal pressure but also partly because of hormonal setup. That's the reason why it was thought for a long time that ADHD and Autism was less prevalent in girls. Luckily, this perspective has changed which led to a lot of late diagnoses for women.
Insofar as men and women have slightly different psychologies and societal pressures.
Clinically, probably not, though. I'm not a doctor, though, just some asshole on the internet.
Hormones do have an effect as well.
My ADHD doesn't let me do nothing. Gotta do something, so much to do, so little time. Sorry, I'm off to my workshop, got a long list of furniture to build. Bye. (Not kidding, that's what it's actually doing)
Bro is brain bound
ADHD Women
A community for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD.