Keyword filters, then you can keep the rest of the news.
Turning up the sound from automute because you know Ukraine drop those hits!
Owners are going to cash out before the liability of player injuries comes due. That is what I see here.
This may - and big guess here - may be good for the league. Ownership that would previously passed down through inheritance can now be sold off to structured businesses.
Also, if a toxic owner is booted out of the league the path to financial stewardship is now a lot more open, rather than what I'd assume to be one of the most gated of circles it would take to be an owner currently.
Filter out the names of the candidates and a couple of crazy billionaires and you can even keep the news subs.
Think they'd go west over the pacific or back across the US?
East of West
I find that last bit true with non-thong underwear as well.
I never played Fallout. Really enjoying the show.
I would say it definitely has a video game feel, that is they're on a quest, within some kind of a side quest, additional characters seem like NPCs, and the chase just seems to go on.
No real complaint in that, it might be the best story version of a video game I've seen, but once you pick up on it it's hard not to shake the thought. draw for me the four horsemen of the apocalypse from East of West arguing over the last slice of pizza
I enjoy both but well brewed tea seems to be faster and less work than well brewed coffee. Both to prepare and in cleanup / maintenance of the equipment.
I only have but one Up to give. Or some shit.
The no marriage part is interesting, the rest carries more unintended collateral.
As a movement, removing the institutional component would affect the wider group, and their wallets.