[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 79 points 3 days ago

Yep. I just heard about the liberal hell scape that is California and it's EV's that are destroying their highway system. Now California is charging 30 cents a mile in taxes to compensate for fuel tax losses. A non-idiot might take a few seconds to realize that's the equivalent of $9 per gallon in taxes.

Another idiot complained about green energy destroying the country because "what do we do when the sun goes down or the wind stops?! Blackouts! We need coal energy!"

These people are dumb as rocks.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 92 points 1 month ago

I know a guy who "doesn't understand why vasectomies are so popular all of the sudden. Any child is a gift, especially if you're fifty."

I don't want to have 15 kids that I can't afford and would only provide a terrible upbringing dipshit.

He also does not understand why women don't always give natural child birth anymore. "Women did it for hundreds of years."

Yes. The life expectancy was like 35 back then. This Christian anti science shit is beyond stupid.

Quest Streaming (lemmy.world)

I'm going to have a party with multiple headsets running, each with a stream so people can view, and I can easily help new players.

I used to be able to begin a stream from the Quest app by clicking cast and selecting the device- Chromecast in my case. Once the connection was established, my phone was no longer necessary.


Now. As far as I know, I can either:

  1. Stream to my phone and cast a mirror. I hate that, because private phone stuff, I can't turn off my phone, or use it for phone stuff.
  2. Stream to a PC: Make the request from the headset. Access the headset from a browser. Connect that to a TV.

Option 2 would be fine, except neither option has been stable for me. There is almost always a disconnection within 30 minutes.

Is there a better option? A way to increase stability?


[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 144 points 5 months ago

It needs to be law that all public officials release their tax records...Also no stock holdings.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 106 points 5 months ago

The crazy thing is that you don't need to cherry pick quotes or take them out of context to make him look like an idiot.

Listen to pretty much any interview or speech and he says something that is clearly idiotic, evil, or a blatant lie. Most likely all three... Repeatedly.

I get that Fox News is a hell of a drug, but just hearing this dipshit speak should shatter the illusion. The unwavering support is mind boggling.


My havit KB395L died. It was cheapish, but great for me. I should have bought 3, because they don't make it anymore.

I bought a Red Dragon Horus (k618rgp-pro) with red switches as a replacement. The form factor is fine, and I like the wireless, but the keys feel mushy and I make typos constantly.

So, now I'm looking for something with:

  • Low Profile
  • Blue switches
  • Tactile (feel the bump on a key press)
  • Full size (I guess I could go ten keyless)
  • Backlight Bonus features:
  • Wireless
  • Hot swappable switches

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 114 points 6 months ago

Creepy. And I learned something. Reminds me of another comic strip that cracked me up. The gist:

God said to the insects "you may each pick three traits." The millipede said, "I want legs!" The centipede agreed. God nodded. "And for your second trait?" The millipede smiled brightly and said "More legs!" The centipede request the same. God asked for their final request. "More legs!" The millipede shouted smiling even brighter The centipede gave a sinister grin and growled. "Teeth."

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 110 points 6 months ago

The really fucked up thing is the origination fee. Banks charge like 1% to do the loan paperwork. Why does the paperwork for a $400k house cost more than a $250k house? Don't the banks make enough money on the interest?

Not to mention PMI, which should just be illegal. Oh you don't have 20% down? Great credit score? Doesn't matter. We're charging you another 2%.

Home sales are a greasy business.


How can I easily make a live USB drive that is persistent? My goal is to boot it through the boot menu (not grub). And just reboot to Windows for the few things I need on my laptop. I would prefer if my laptop had no trace of Linux installed. I found a guide, but it looked endless and needlessly complicated. Does anyone have a premade process? I'm not attached to any distro.

Any help is much appreciated.

Background: Every couple of years I get fed up with windows and give Linux another try. I love the idea behind it, the stability and... Inevitably I find something that won't run, then get fed up. I no longer have the energy for Wine or running more than a command or two. I want the idiot experience.

Recently, I put together a live USB of Mint. It did most of what I need, but I didn't want to deal with grub or partitions. Errors there suuuuck. So, I figured a persistent USB version would be great. From what I read, you can just install like normal, only to the USB drive. Of course I accidentally installed grub and nearly gave myself a heart attack when I couldn't get to the boot menu. (Had to put the USB drive back in). The Linux install didn't work either- not sure why. So, now I'm back to hating Microsoft's increasing ads and data tracking, wishing Linux was just a little simpler.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 162 points 9 months ago

Team owners: "We're just humble billionaires and we care so much about your state. The team is part of the community... Now subsidize our massively profitable business or we'll move the team."

I'll never understand why fans are die hard loyal to franchises that screw them at every possible opportunity. Insane ticket prices, seat license fees (which are somehow different than tickets?), insane concession prices, ads on everything- it hurts my brain.


The photo isn't very interesting, but it showcases the problem. I have a 7 Pro and my pictures all look great ... Except when I use the 5x lens. All of my pictures come out with these vertical stripes.

Warranty support says I should try a factory reset. That's a huge pain and I doubt if it will fix anything.

Thoughts? Anyone have a similar issue?

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 89 points 1 year ago

It's crazy that he isn't in prison for this level of corruption. Crazier that he is still actively serving on the highest court in the U.S. His corrupt decisions are actively screwing us.

If these are the bribes that can prove, how many more has he taken that we can't?

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 90 points 1 year ago

That's just bad PR. I can't imagine the potential profits are worth the risk.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 100 points 1 year ago

Can you imagine how many problems simple term limits would fix?

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 95 points 1 year ago

...and there goes my eagerness to buy the Q3. I loathe drm.

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