[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 40 points 3 weeks ago

In a genetic sense, it is a dysfunction of the gene that causes this. It's neat because we can actually trace the history of human migrations by looking at the distribution of this particular allele (version of a gene). We have analysed DNA from ancient remains of early Europeans and found that the A allele is absent. It appears like this version of the gene first emerged in an ancient East Asian population.

This gene also determines whether you have dry or sticky ear wax. It's a neat gene because it's uncommon for physical human traits to be controlled by one gene — most human characteristics are controlled by multiple genes (polygenic traits); ginger hair is another example of a monogenic trait. ABCC11 is neat because it affects multiple traits: sweat smell and earwax dryness.

It might also be implicated in breast cancer risk (I can't tell whether that's in an increased risk or decreased risk), but we don't really understand yet how that would work. From skimming the research, I would say we generally don't understand how this gene works at all. We do know some stuff about it and how/why it works, but we're still a decent way off of actually understanding its implications.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 104 points 2 months ago

Holy shit. 5 years for "conspiracy to cause public nuisance". Holy shit.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 83 points 2 months ago

I think Larian's response is them leaning into joke — by replying at all, they're boosting the original query, but they're also drawing a line on how far they're willing to indulge that side of things (officially). I refuse to believe that Larian are actually shocked or perturbed by this question, as their reply suggests, because bear sex is within the game itself, so they've definitely fed the fire. Pretending to be confused is part of the joke, I reckon

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 47 points 2 months ago

Regex feels distinctly eldritch to me. Like, a lot of computing knowledge feels like magic, but regex feels like the kind of magic you get by consorting with dark forces

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 54 points 5 months ago

“He’s the object of derision. It’s his nightmare. He can’t control the script. He can’t control the cinematography. He can’t control what’s being said about him. And the outcome could go in a direction he really doesn’t want,” said Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and critic.

I felt a weird sense of almost pity reading this. On the surface, when I think about how deeply uncomfortable this scenario was for Trump, I'm glad, because he's laughable and this is nothing compared to the harms he has wrought on the world. But at a level deeper than that, when I think about how, for a narcissist like Trump, this is probably the greatest torture one could devise, and that's so pathetic that it's just sad.

To people like Trump, everything is about power. Everything is adversarial. The system that Trump exists within, that he's a part of perpetuating, teaches that power is everything and you either oppress others or be one of the subjugated.

When I was a kid, I ended up teaching myself to ignore hunger due to a bundle of things including poverty and eating disorders, so nowadays, I literally don't notice my hunger. I have to set alarms to remember to eat and in the rare instances where I do feel the physical hunger, I rarely notice it as that. I wonder whether people like Trump do the same with their capacity to feel for Human goodness. Forgive the overly poetic phrasing, but it feels like they've sold their soul for the ability to feel safe in the world, because they have opted into the adversarial worldview I described above.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 42 points 5 months ago

Many (40ish, I'd estimate) hours and I deeply regretted the endeavour at many points, especially when rushing to get it finished in time, but once I got the hang of the process, a lot of it was quite zen. It was almost like knitting, it gave me something to do with my hands.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 67 points 5 months ago

I'm an autistic woman, and I've found great success in leaning into my autistic tendencies. By that, I mean just being blunt and upfront. One of my favourites is that if I've got chemistry with someone I don't expect to see again, before I bid them farewell, I'll give them a note with my number on and say something like "I had a great time hanging out with you tonight, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" And then I hand them my number and scuttle off like a crab because I can only put on a cool face for so long before I crack under the anxiety.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 40 points 6 months ago

I've had a similar exchange happen twice. The first, I was asked to name songs from the band's earlier albums (i.e. songs that hadn't been played at the gig). The other time, it wasn't asked as a question, but like "I bet you couldn't even name [arbitrary number] of their songs".

It definitely happens, and besides those specific instances, I've had countless gatekeepy comments that allude to me only [wearing band t-shirt/having video game pins/patches on my bag/being at a gig] to pick up guys because obviously I'm a massively slutty succubus who only haa hobbies to help me find prey.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 50 points 7 months ago

Regular reminder to anyone that needs it, probably OP:

Binging TV or games is often a coping measure, albeit a not very good one. It can make us feel more panicked and exacerbate self worth issues. I know this because I do it a lot and try to give myself this same advice. Because of this, I also know that what I'm saying here is hard to internalise, especially when the world has you inundated with messages that drag you down.

But you are not the problem. You have problems, and sometimes you fuck up and make things harder for yourself, but you are trying your best and the fact it feels like you're barely scraping by is more a function of the fucked up world than it is of you. Try not to beat yourself up too much for struggling.

I know it's a different kind of demoralising to acknowledge this, and that it's a different disempowering to believe that fucked up things aren't necessarily your fault, but try to be kind to yourself. The world is shit, and I feel shit, but we're trying our best, for ourselves and the world. Communities exist because it's not possible or ideal for us to be struggling alone, and it's harder to build that kind of support when you're being harsh on yourself.

So whoever needs to hear it, I forgive you for procrastinating when you're overwhelmed. It may well be a dumbass move that makes everything harder, but it can also be an imperfect coping measure to help you survive. Surviving is the bare minimum, sure, but it's good, because it means that there's the potential to be more than what your environment currently allows.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 81 points 8 months ago

There's actually a pretty large ea-nasir meme-posting culture, it's one of my favourite internet things.

Basically it originated from this cuneiform tablet from 1750BC, the oldest known written complaint.

Translation of the complaint: (source: 1967 Book "Letters from Mesopotamia"

Tell Ea-nasir: Nanni sends the following message:

When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"

What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.

How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.

Take cognizance that (from now on) I will not accept here any copper from you that is not of fine quality. I shall (from now on) select and take the ingots individually in my own yard, and I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt.

Most of the humour of the various memes and jokes (some examples found here) seems to stem from the fact that Nanni's salt and rage has endured thousands of years and now we know about it. Ea-Nasir will always be remembered as a shitty copper merchant, and there's just something inherently hilarious about that, to me.

[-] AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net 55 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Any trans women who relate to this meme, this comment is addressed to you. I'm not going to tell you not to snack on the self-harm salad, because I know it's not that easy; I was first cat-called at age 13, and despite being terrified and deeply uncomfortable, I remember feeling happy because it felt like validation — because even at that young age, I had internalised the idea that being appealing to men was what it mean to succeed as a woman.

We live in a patriarchal society, and that means that every woman is faced with this bitter meal at some point, as well as the decision on how to work past the stage where we tell ourselves we like it because it gives us some modicum of agency. It can feel pointless to be a feminist sometimes when misogyny is so insidious.

But trust me when I tell you that happiness won't be found in this soggy pile of limp leaves and lies. You're so much more than the misogynists would have you believe. You've already fought so hard to live as a woman, and I think it'd be a damn shame at this point if we didn't get to see what kind of woman you want to be. I had help to realise that being a woman doesn't mean conforming to patriarchal standards, so when you're feeling secure enough that you want to move beyond relying on misogyny validation, I, and many others me, are here to support you.

And not just because trans rights are human rights, but because you are wanted and needed here. My wish to see you at your best is a slightly selfish one, because my own gender experience and understanding of womanhood has been immeasurably improved by having trans women in my life and in my community. I can't wait to see what we can build together, because you can offer something that I, or other cis women simply can't do on our own. You add something unique and beautiful and truly special to this world, and to the conversation of what a woman can be.

In the meantime, don't beat yourself up for clawing some small comfort from harmful sources. It's a difficult time, so be kind to yourself in whatever way you can. Besides, I may speak like I'm enlightened, but I still struggle with this shit too; Recognizing and resisting harmfuk toxicity isn't the kind of fight you can ever really win, you always have to keep an eye out for it. It's easier with good friends though, and a community that supports you. If you don't have much of those things yet, I wish you good luck in finding a place that you're comfortable, and the strength to remember that you are wanted, you are loved, and you are valuable, as you are - the real you, even if you're still discovering her, or the world hasn't seen her yet.

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