The source is his butt. There is a ridiculous amount of evidence that Elan School was real and most student testimonies online describe it as even worse than what Joe presented.
What years were you in Elan, since you are the obvious expert? And even if the Elan part was creative fiction, are you saying that I shouldn't care about the children who really went through that? Should I watch Saving Private Ryan and not "trouble my brains and emotions" about war because "Tom Hanks wasn't really a soldier"?
You sound like a sociopath.
Exactly, but not knowing it exist is even worse.
Yup, I started reading out of curiosity from a suggestion on a thread just like this one, then found myself 10 hours later feeling like I'd come down from an acid trip.
I'm jealous of the people who can take that ride now, but also glad my ride with it is over. If that makes any sense.
Not all jobs are created equal. Find a new one(s).
Not a book, but a webcomic:
Be careful what you wish for OP, this is THE WILDEST shit you will ever read (at least top 5, guaranteed) and the worst/best part is that it's all true.
Also, its VERY addictive so clear your schedule.
You've been warned.
You've ALL been warned.