Ukraine 💀 Middle East 💥 China 1️⃣
Magst du erläutern, warum? Ich kenne ihn aus GIGA-Zeiten als mittelprächtig gewitzten Gamer. Ich hab tatsächlich einen subtil fiesen Vibe gespürt, kann aber gar nicht sagen, wieso. Deshalb würde mich das mal interessieren.
Whelp. This is the party that lost against Trump in 2016 by shafting Bernie. These Democrats deserve to lose the election but as usual, the consequences will be suffered by the common people. So one cannot even gloat over them losing a safe bet again.
That's what happens when you forget but keep trying and then make a new post about it.
If by FPS you mean Fahrenheit per second then yes. 👍
I wouldn't mind my tax money paying for their one-way tickets. Especially if they leave their passport at the gate.
Woman's gotta get off those Disney movies.
Judge: "We'll deal with it after the election" - wink, wink.
Die "Klimakleber" sind Terroristen, weil es ihnen nicht um GELD geht. Das System ist nicht in Frage zu stellen. /s
That's pretty much what Lincoln tried to do with his inaugural speech after several states had seceded already. He tried to talk them down and promised that the North would not interfere with their life heavy-handedly but that insurrection was too serious for him to ignore. And then they stormed Fort Sumter and forced his hand. He didn't even commit to the cause of abolishing slavery until the third year of the war.
Sorry, in case that was unclear: These are predictions, not opinions.