Yeah but only to poor people and whenever it fits their narrative
No no no, you mean, dedicated 82 year old worker is extremely enthusiastic to go flip burgers everyday ! She doesn't want to retire because she loves her job and would be bored otherwise !
Germany and ping ponging between proprietary and free software every 2 years, name a better duo
If you remove 99% of single use plastic, you can still have your single use surgical and medical plastic. It's a matter of using them where they are actually needed instead of using them because it's cheaper to throw shit away.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
It's loss
It's only war crimes when it comes from the Hamas region of Gaza, otherwise it's sparkling oopsies
But it's not real money in their bank accounts! They can barely go by as is!
The intended use of touch
is to update the timestamp right?
Imagine what will happen if he does get elected then
That's pretty much all of open source to be fair. It's a real problem.
We elected him as the "last rempart to the extreme right". Turns out he and his cronies are corrupted authoritarian fucks. Their shit social and economic policies are opening a highway to the actual far right in the near future, most likely 2027.
Another case that demonstrates they'll always comply with the law in the end. You just need to make sure your laws and your legislation are rock solid.