There have been no reliable claims that he has actually fucked chickens. However, he has not denied that he has fucked a chicken either so I guess I'll upvote your post.
Just like this Idaho state senator who told his American Indian opponent, "I'm so sick and tired of this liberal bullshit. Why don't you go back to where you came from?"
Really? If Trump tries and fails to fire him, then this guy is going to find himself in Gitmo, or maybe Trump will just send Seal Team 6 to kill him. Immune.
Not really immigrants. That's just the dog-whistle. It's minorities of every kind they hate.
People who did not vote are not participates!
People who cannot vote, are not participants.
People who chose not to vote when they were able to are. They made a choice and this is the result.
Oh you sweet summer child. Didn't you know that the DNC and RNC are private corporations? They don't have to show you anything and there is nothing you can do about it.
The court recognized that the DNC treated voters unfairly, but ruled that the DNC is a private corporation; therefore, voters cannot protect their rights by turning to the courts:
"To the extent Plaintiffs wish to air their general grievances with the DNC or its candidate selection process, their redress is through the ballot box, the DNC's internal workings, or their right of free speech — not through the judiciary."
You have chosen to run over the crowd rather than trying to minimize the disaster. Good thinking.
Well then it's a good thing Trump won. Pretty soon you won't need to worry about Palestinians at all because Trump will help make sure Israel can "finish what they started" as he put it. So, good job. Yay you guys for sticking it to Harris.
And the little bugger is still chugging along. Amazing.
The Convicted Felon
Considering TCF's threats of retaliation against his political enemies, I think some of these folks would be wise to leave the USA before the inauguration. He knows that SCOTUS has made him above the law. He will not rest until he has had someone killed, or at least shipped off to Gitmo.
They won't need to leave forever. Just until he sees something shiny to distract him.
Perhaps the username The Moron was already taken.