I appreciate your view and I think I probably agree with you. I work a manual labor job and I’m alone most of the time. I listen to many audiobooks on Libby and many podcasts. I’ve noticed over the past several months my thinking getting more muddled, almost like there’s just too much information in my skull. I’ve started to build audio breaks in my week where I go a day or two without consuming anything with earbuds. I feel better. On info diet days my mind wanders, I’m able to think about things more carefully, my workflow is more organized, and I think more about the people in my life.
joined 1 month ago
The “studies” degrees and other liberal arts programs hearken to an earlier understanding of the university as being a place of higher learning. In the US, our view of post-secondary education has changed in recent decades and we now look at university degree programs largely as white collar vocational training. The old higher learning paradigms still exist, but now there is a societal expectation that they prove their economic value. Knowledge and wisdom no longer have inherent value, only that which can be exploited by capital. Higher learning in its traditional modality is a luxury.
There is very little point of talking about abortion to anyone over the age of 25. They've already made up their mind and you won't convince them to change. The only solution is voting.
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Thanks for the great list! I found several neat communities I wouldn’t have otherwise.