[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 31 points 1 week ago

Pretty sure you're just naming another symptom that is correlated but not the cause of the depression. Likely the cause of the depression and the isolation is the destruction of third places and the opportunity for unsupervised and unstructured play. Kids spend all their time online because there's nothing else for them to do. There's nowhere to play outside, and even if there is, they're not allowed to go there without adults micromanaging them.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 34 points 1 month ago

Ugh I read this article a few days ago but it doesn't tell you the names of the two pictured. Is her name Dana or not!? Is he Noam??

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 32 points 2 months ago

I've never died in real life, but I've died in Minecraft many times, so it's gonna have to be more scared.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

This took me a second to understand (it's 4AM) and for a second I was like wait, this cannot be correct. No one is walking around with a 25 inch penis. Then I got it

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 28 points 3 months ago

Sometimes the thing that sets a dog off is just that they're older and confused. Dogs do sometimes just snap with no warnings, same as humans.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 35 points 4 months ago

So much nice advice here. I'm turning 30 this month and my dad and I continue to be very close. Top things I'm grateful for about my dad:

My dad is always lifting me up, but he did not and does not give me empty praise. He to this day gives me compliments about specific things he notices, which is amazing for my self esteem. Some examples: While I was cleaning the other day and kind of barking directions : "I love it when you get in the zone like this. It's like you can accomplish anything" or "that's something I have always been in awe of about you; you somehow know when people are down and figure out a way to lift them up. You're very intuitive about it." Or during a long day of hard work, " you're like a machine! You're incredible. Do you need anything?" Complimenting every little thing will just make her not trust your compliments. Being specific and accurate in your praise will help her feel truly good about herself and also strengthen your bond.

Idk what it's like if it's a step daughter and not a bio daughter but my dad would take me out. We never called it daddy daughter dates or anything (ew) but he would take me to dinner and a movie, or buy me flowers, or stop for coffee or ice cream at local shops. If we had to go somewhere for work or to pick up something for a home project he'd just stop at a bookstore and say this place looks cool, want to procrastinate a little in here with me? I know he loves to spend real time with me and he's always opening me up to new places/hobbies

MOST IMPORTANTLY: my dad adores and dotes on my mom. There is nothing he won't do for her. He will help her with the same problem a hundred times. He will make her coffee just the way she likes it every morning. He spoils her, he relies on her, he treats her like he is lucky to be around her, and that helps me to know exactly how I should be treated. I don't allow anyone to mistreat me, not partners, not coworkers, not friends or in-laws. I know what a healthy relationship looks like, and I know what a partnership of respect and love looks like. My parents argue in front of me, sure, but I never ever doubt how much they love each other.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

Um so what happens if a couple pursuing IVF runs out of money, and now cannot afford to have the embryo implanted? Do the children get put in her womb for free rather than "kill" them? What if she dies? Does some other woman have to incubate them now? What if the first embryo takes? Does she need to still foster the remaining 5 embryos? This is so stupid.

There should be legal consequences for destroying someone's embryos. They're very expensive and come at a huge emotional and physical toll for the mother, as well as a lot of time.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

He may not have been bullied, but he may have missed out on bonding and closeness that his peers enjoyed. There was a study that showed life is way better for kids if they don't have a phone, but only if their peers also don't have phones

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 25 points 7 months ago

There are free 10 finger typing classes online. Frankly it's a bit fun, similar to learning an instrument! I did one during downtime at work because I was a 6/7 finger typer, and always had to look for numbers or punctuation other than . , ! ?

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 24 points 9 months ago

I think if you go into it knowing they're siblings, it's all fine and normal. The rest of us saw the commercial blind, naturally interpreted the relationship as romantic and then were surprised to learn they're siblings and the recalibration was funny. If you have no context, and you're trying to interpret what the relationship is, at the beginning it definitely resembles a romantic relationship more than a sibling friendship

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 26 points 10 months ago

No, these characters were created for young children.

Teen Titans series' creators initially stated that younger children were the intended audience for the series.

"but along the way, I think the producers discovered it was reaching a wider audience. ... [the show] got into some darker story lines, and they introduced a lot more characters, so they expanded on it, and they let the show evolve with the audience." — J. Torres, Titans Companion 2 by Glen Cadigan.[31]

The incredibles is PG with a target audience of 8-13 years old. Pixar Disney obviously works hard to make their films enjoyable to the adults in the room, but the film was made for children primarily, with the bonus that the whole family will enjoy it.

[-] ChexMax@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

This is a little different from the others on this list, but a lot of DIY stuff for parties/weddings. The money you're saving is negated by time lost, not to mention unless you have unlimited time/ no job and are able to thrift everything, the components for DIY aren't that inexpensive. For my sister's wedding, we did everything ourselves. Everything from literally painting the venue, collecting/creating every table scape, my dad built the stage and dance floor, all the way through setting up the hundreds of little desserts on the day of. It was all wonderful and lovely. And took a massive amount of time and labor across several families. When you factor in the value of people's time, it was not less expensive than mine. We rented everything and it was so nice not to stress about dressing every corner of the room or decorating the bar, or making sure we didn't run out of ice on the day of. We still chose super frugal options because the wedding industry is a scam, but we just paid for everything.

Sometimes it's worth it just to pay people to do stuff. Value your time and mental health more than money.

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