I don't really care what the government of Qatar, and by that, I mean Al-Jazeera, thinks is hypocrisy.
Bro I love you bro
Why not make self replicating warships? Eh? EH????
ITT tankies pretend they don't know that legal arguments are meant for court and are made to argue from every angle.
No, this isn't an admission that the primaries were rigged. They weren't. It's a hypothetical argument meant to progress a legal case to summary judgment, where the lawyer argued that even if everything the plaintiff said was correct, the DNC would still win the case.
Essentially, what the lawyers for the Democrats were doing was "if I grant everything you claim for the sake of argument, you would still lose, and here's why." That doesn't admit anything. OP knows it, but since he's a literal Stalin-humping fascist who just wants to see anyone who wishes for a better world fail, he doesn't care.
Sure. We could stop eating fish, and meat, and anything other than staple crops. Theoretically. But I don't think it's going to happen, so, while we live in the real world, where people are going to want to eat fish and meat and kale and almonds and all the crops and foods which aren't maximally efficient, we can work on more efficient ways to farm the foods we want to eat.
If we are going to be able to allow wild populations of fish to recover, we need to outcompete wild fishing with farm raised. Glad to see advances in helping the environment!
My Toyota has this thing called a door handle
Dude, no one is above getting mocked. Stop it with the butthurt lol
When in reality all they're eligible for is WIC if they're pregnant or a young mother
Yeah. My brother in law has severe physical and mental disabilities which makes him unable to work at all and he can't get on. Been trying for a decade and a half. It's like these people think you can send a letter to the government saying "I am fat and lazy" and you'll get money.
Without 60 votes in the Senate, shit, without 50, it codification of abortion rights wasn't happening. And he did push loan forgiveness, the Supreme Court shut that down.
If a bunch of Hamas terrorists drag a 12 year old into the path of an incoming bombardment, they're still the ones responsible for that death.