Then this is a good opportunity for you to check your confirmation bias. You and I both know you're not replying to me with a coconut radio.
I think it's fucking weird the comic attempted to differentiate indigenous from the rest of humanity so that's specifically what I'm taking issue with.
Dude... The VAST VAST VAST VAST VAST majority of indigenous aren't out there "protecting lands", and have no more connection to nature then you or I.
Nice casual racism though!
And that other 90% of humanity is working to industrialize to get where we are. It's a massive issue that as far as I'm aware we have no solution to.
Lol! So this won't get to OP, but if you're ever in this position, call their bluff and submit something to the labour board.
Even if you don't win, if this is a corporation the company is going to HATE the manager just for being put in that position.
Even if it's privately owned, no owner wants to be put in that position.
Oh yeah, remember that box office failure that no one talked about? Magic Mike? I hope Channing Tatum's ego has recovered.
What side jab? Showing men can face similar issues is a side jab?
Why can't things be compared?
Ohh! So I rewatched Voyager!
Sevenofnine never wanted to be human.. Like she desperately missed the collective for a LOONG time. Janeway forced it on her.
Also! Janeway fucking killed off Tuvick. Dude was begging for his life.
Sorry haha, just wanted to bitch.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ take their MONIES! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Beehaw is some pseudo moral purity echo chamber. They consider anyone with a contrary opinion a troll. People create these "safe spaces" under the guise of protecting minority groups, but fuck.. I'm a minority, and I knew immediately I wasn't going to be welcome there.
People are free to judge it as they please.
Why aren't other instances having this problem? Like if trolls and spam are such an issue, why do I only see relevant on topic comments in other instances?
The issue isn't trolls, it's political dissent. And if you care about the truth, if you care about having the ability to talk about and express your ideas freely to other people, to have uncomfortable discussions with people you disagree with, to be exposed to new ideas, and fuck.. to possibly even change your mind, you shouldn't support beehaw.
If you genuinely want that type of environment, go for it, but that place should be called out for what it is.
This type of political authoritianism is why I left Reddit. It kills discussion, and I'm here for critical discussion.
Probably because banning people based purely on political ideology is kind of facist 😝
I just don't care 🙌
I seriously couldn't give two fucks about supporting influencers or tech companies. Uploaders can pay for the infrastructure for all I care. Like people use to host websites out of passion, now everything is about profits, and politics, why would I want to support that? Why should I give two fucks about making someone else rich?
Fuck that shit. You can get cracked copies of the YouTube App that give a much better experience.