It was at this moment he knew… he fucked up
I always find that when I try and eat a sandwich or chicken burger upright, things (especially the meat) always falls out. So for me, the optimal way to eat it is to pick it up right side up and then flip it upside down to take a bite.
Fish may or may not be meat, but bumblebees are classified as fish under California law.
The rabies virus is shed in saliva. More than 99% of all rabies cases (of which there are about 50,000 a year) are due to the transmission of the virus from the saliva of an infected animal/human into the bloodstream of another human.
The website linked mentions “it has been reported” that rabies can be transmitted via intercourse, but doesn’t cite any papers that state as such. Likely the only way this could work is if a human with rabies performs oral sex on another person, creates micro-abrasions on the genital tissue of their partner while shedding the virus in their saliva which infects the 2nd person.
So while it might be technically possible, rabies doesn’t meet the criteria of what we typically refer to as STDs or STIs with our current knowledge and understanding of the disease.
Unless you are a small hobby farm, you’re not putting your cows out on pasture alone to raise them for meat. Most grasses are deficient in one or more vital nutrients that the cows need to grow. Most cows today are fed TMR (Total Mixed Rations). These are diets carefully mixed with different grasses, grains, hays, and mineral supplements. There are different metabolic diseases that cows can get when eating diets deficient in different nutrients. Cows that are sick don’t want to eat, and cows that don’t eat don’t grow. To a farmer, that’s like burning money.
On one hand, I highly doubt they have humans in bear costumes in this heat. On the other hand, Chinese zoos are known for purposefully mislabeling animals in their habitats, such as a Tibetan mastiff dressed like a lion, and many others.
I read that as unhinged right wing extremist alligator, and was wondering what you know that we do not lol
I’m sorry this happened to you, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. By the time clinical signs of rabies present, you’re already a “dead man walking” so to say. I hope you and your dog are able to recover swiftly!
X-actly as intended
I would never stoop that low.
I’m surprised it took this long
This is so sweet! I love how this tradition of theirs has continued all these years later.