Just keep that in mind when they come for your taxes and student loan payments. All that matters is holding power, and the common citizen can certainly hold enough power to keep the police away, very easily as the cops have shown in the past.
I previously worked a service desk job, taking calls and such, and I worked the late shift so I was there til midnight. As a result, about half my shift was spent fucking around, and often that involved finding memes on various sites, and sometimes I thought they were good enough to share, so I would send my coworkers who worked the early shift memes so they would see it first thing in the morning when they came in to work.
One day, one of them came up to me and told me "You are a source of joy here." I was confused, so he explained that ever since I started doing that, every morning when people filed in at 6am, tired, clutching their coffee and not wanting to talk to anyone, they would then go to their desks, log in, and within minutes the room was full of adult men giggling like children, then scurrying around to the desks of other coworkers to see what they got. (Everyone got a different meme.) I started having more coworkers ask me to send them memes, as it really seemed to make an impact on their day. They were very sad to see me go when I finally left that job.
Video games.