Gives a lot of Space for running Virtual machines.
Also browsers can chew that up fast if you have a lot of tabs, Firefox has managed to do it a few times. At least until I started limiting its RAM to 8GB (best decision ever)
Limit Firefox to 8GB of RAM .desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox RAM limit 8GB
GenericName=Firefox Ram limit 8GB
Comment=Limit RAM for Firefox to 8GB;
Exec=systemd-run --user --scope -p MemoryLimit=8G firefox
(To use it with other apps like Chrome or Electron apps just replace the command at the end, and startup class with the ones from the program you'd like to run. Icon and Name changes are optional but might be desirable so you remember what app it is for).
I don't know how it is on mbin but on Lemmy the best thing to do is message the admins directly, and not bother reporting. This is because Lemmy's developers give way to much credit to the legitimacy of forum moderators and do not allow a way for reports to only be sent to administrators, meaning that community mods like these can easily dismiss reports before they are seen by admins. So best thing to do is message them directly at the current time.