im friends with guys who studied ai and i can tell you people who actually know what they are talking about don't think that
not even vegan but honestly you seem to care way more than the vegans i've met lol such a snowflake
this is such a fucking strawman holy shit
Edit: just looked through your comment history, honestly you should probably live off the grid you are a net negative to society
i feel like the main problems guys have with this that they imagine themselves vs the bear and it hurts their ego and they try to justify themselves because no one wants to be the bad guy
Incredibly based
Please put the circle I non transparent red
Ask him if looking in a mirror scares him
Its not theft its copyright infringement
(Not deleting mine it was like this from the start :)
If a stupid ass flipper zero can mess with those devices then the security testing done is zero and the fault lies mostly with the manufacturer (the flipper zero script kiddie is still partially at fault)
It dozen even matter
you can write oop without inhetitance