Usually the credit card provider own policy. And I can assure you if you do nothing even tho it's a prepaid it'll probably go into negative balance and they'll send you to collections.
I'd like to think it's gonna be used for what it should be. What's most likely is that it'll be used to reduce both original VO and Writing
Be prepared for asset flip dialogue
I always wondered why tactical shields don't come with a small hole for swat teams to fire through
I guess it would be easy for the wielder to accidentally shoot at the shield from the inside but you could work some way around that
Yeah because the Nvidia drivers work totally fine and have no issues whatsoever
How are you gonna catch your wife's lover otherwise?
Backup? What is this backup you speak of?
I just want a small screen and a physical keyboard like phones had when BlackBerry was still a thing. I had absolutely no trouble blind tiping on those even tho I have sausage fingers.
These days I depend on autocorrect and it betrays me fairly often
I cried uncontrollably at the ending of ME3 after growing up with the series and putting in over 1500 hours between ME1 and ME2
I don't know how the launch went but these days the release version of games is usually a buggy mess with half the content stripped out of it so they can sell it later as DLC or a season pass
Meanwhile in Argentina with 110% yearly inflation:
"Try me bro!"
Did they individually texture the grands of sand in dust2???
Honestly, why don't we just have the racers in multi million dollar racing rigs remotely controlling the cars, that way they can get as ridiculous as they want with the rules and we keep the human factor with no risk