Is there a FreezingFuckingCold magazine/community around?
I would love to hear Data doing sound effects lol
Fucking, great.
Yeah, but I was gonna anyway.
Yeah, it gets you in shape: Triple bonus!
I'd feel bad about leaving them tied to a tree while I'm at work, so I'd probably just go with a bike which is fueled by snacks and doesn't even shit!
Box Eclectic Shows the Joy of the Right to Repair By Bringing an E-Bike Back to Life
They're eating the babies.
They're eating the toddlers.
That is a surveyor's mark called an Above Ground Marker. It is used as a point of reference when they survey they land.
Such a plausible thing for him to say I didn't even question it.
It is always morally correct to pirate Adobe.
This is 100% the fault of shitty advertisers spamming us with literal scams, malware, and spyware.