Does it have any widgets lines the cure day/time/weather or 5 day outlook.
I'm one of those people that would rather have a weather widget on my home screen than opening an app every time.
OP has pixel and is in the +1 area code from the picture meaning they are in America. So I don't get why he/she is not using Google Call screen.
I still get spam calls, but my phone never rings or alerts me. The only way I find out is by occasionally opening call history. The assistant can recognize most spam automated messages and it automatically hangs up. For real spam callers; they mostly hang up when they realize they have to talk to a robot first.
So what we knew all along... It was possible to do these not-so-processor-intensive tasks on older pixels and other devices after all.
I hate that Google artificially limits these features to new phones. The only reason I've stuck with pixel this long is their call assistant to answer then decline spam calls without having to notifying me.