Jo. Konservativ ist die Führung der SPD – siehe Scholz und Faeser. Und auch Teile der CDU, siehe Günther oder Wüst. Allerdings verläuft die Linie vom Konservativen zum Rechtspopulismus mitten durch die CDU. Und Merz und Linnemann sind nun mal Rechtspopulisten. Und gegen die geht man nun mal auch auf die Straße.
Thats due to 0 economic knowledge of the author. The article says 49 mil profit, which should be revenue. If you mix up such basic figures I wouldn't trust any other 'analysis' of the article.
Übrigens ab 14 legal.
Been in Japan this summer. A culture where tipping is non-existent. It was such a great experience to not worry about tipping. Instead you simply get outstanding service all the time and workers are simply paid a fair wage.
Pretty sure North America looked different in 2015 AD.
The war of Russia against Ukraine is still covered in most news – its just not happening much due to the current stalemate.
The general consensus regarding Israel is the same like before the war: the Settling is breaking international law and needs to stop. At the same time Hamas is a terrorist organization. It's a classic 'everybody sucks here – but one side is significantly worse' and the palestinians are suffering from the conflict between Hamas and Israel.
Musk wants Twitter to become a 'platform for everything'. Having a payment system in place everyone uses already is key for that.
Not going to say that this is a good idea, but thats the rational.
1–3 months is enough for other developed countries other than the US, due to unemployment benefits, social security and most importantly: at least 3 months prior to termination a required termination notification.
Anyways: due to the current high interest rates it might be worth it to put more money into your savings account, since the opportunity costs compared to company shares are low.
At least in germany its prohibited to use them for specific foods. And its not allowed to advertise with things that are required by law. So advertising 'no colors and preservatives' wouldn't be allowed for some products.
Ohne es gelesen zu haben, bin ich mir recht sicher, dass die Zeit das ganze gewissenhaft aufbereitet und recherchiert hat.
Getting payed by google to make it their default search engine.
I just double checked, because I couldn't believe this, but you are right. If you ask about estimates of the Sudanese war (starting in 2023) it reports estimates between 5.000–15.000.
Its seems like Gemini is highly politically biased.