Autofahrer strömen aus den Dörfern in die reichen Städte und nehmen uns Städtern die Arbeitsplätze weg. Das ist doch Wohlstandsmigration. Die sollen lieber schauen das sie ihre Dörfer attraktiver machen, statt unsere Städte mit ihren Autokollonen zu fluten.
When AI would have been the better choice.
World's crulest animal puts other animals in captivity and then calls them dumb for showing their natural behaviour in a completely alien envirment. More at 11.
Considering what we have done and are doing to the planet and life on it, we should have better just put that rock right back where it was.
So ne online Umfrage ist natürlich niemals repräsentativ und selbstverständlich auch manipuliert. Außer sie geht ums Gendern. Dann kann man sie sogar benutzen um unnötige Verbote damit zu rechtfertigen.
Can someone explain all this "everyone is good but straight white men in America" bullshit to me?
I think it's a rather natural reaction to strait white males beeing in power for all of the modern time and therefor beeing the ones that were made to set the rules and, even more importantly, decide what the discourse looks like. Hence the view on women, minorities, non "White" countries, etc is heavily formed by their views.
Only the it's not companies but entities which include China, the former soviet union and the Russian federation. This is such a fucking missleading title the guardian ran here.
It realy is.
I see this kind of realy devastating change in many areas in nature. There used to be frogs in our garden when I grew up, I would listen to them every evening right outside my bedroom window. Now they are gone.
I see it in the Forests, where huge swats of trees have died over the last couple of years. There are areas in our forests now, that look like war zones, because drouth followed by to much rain in combination with invasive bugs have killed or weakens them so much.
Going back another generation, my brother, who is 16 years older, told be about field hamsters who where so plentyfull in the fields, that the local kids would earn money by hunting them and turning their corpses in for money in the village center. In the 16 years between my bother and me the European field hamster has, consequently, gone almost extinct. I never have seen one in my life.
And while all this is by its nature very anecdotal, these are areas where climate change and the way we treat nature as something alien realy feels close to me. And to be honest: It fucking scares me.
Gender ideology, which seeks to blur differences between men and women through movements such as transgenderism, “makes everything the same,” Francis said.
“Erasing differences is erasing humanity. Man and woman, however, are in a fruitful ‘tension,’” Francis told the assembly
Wild. Unscientific, Transphobic and in the end just realy harmful misinformation.
I don't. Care to enlighten me?
How is this peace missing Veganism?
Einsicht ist der erste Schritt zur Besserung und so.